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Everything posted by motojojo
  1. If your bike falls over the tube lets the fuel pour out the bottom and not on a hot exhaust.
  2. Peter is right about the shock if oil is not leaking out of it and it works leave it alone, if it does bottom out tighten it up.
  3. A lot of people on this site don't like GasGas, but I would take a new GasGas any day. I had a 01' and it was a good bike!
  4. A big log with a lot of bends, has a lot of schooling in it.
  5. If your trying to move an old truck up a hill in the snow do you dump the clutch and gas it up? Trials is the same way, you need to learn the clutch it keeps you out of trouble and gets you traction. On hill climbs it keeps the front end from coming up keeps that back tire from spinning out and if you can't make it up the hill it becomes your brakes.
  6. You need a bigger launch rock and what else, oh yea bigger gonads. The main reason I don't get much lift on a splatter is because I don't want to, I want to stay on the flat level ground not launch on to a big rock, yea small gonads.
  7. Take a couple of flat rocks or 1X4 wood blocks and place them on a small hill about 6ft apart and practice placement of the front wheel from rock to rock. How to pick the front wheel up, blip the motor and dump the clutch in first gear to get the front end up and use clutch and throttle to carry from block to block never letting go of the clutch all the way. When your in a wheelie the clutch is what sets the front end down.
  8. They are alot of times in the vin # , but it don't look like it unless you ride a rare 76' GasGas. LOL send a picture here and we smart as& people can tell you.
  9. I would find a Nissin(Japanese) It's what the pro's use anyway. I had a Fantic years ago and had trouble with front and back brakes and replaced them with Nissin Master cylinders and never had any trouble after that.
  10. I have rode trials for 20 years with a bad knee, torn ACL ligament thanks to motocross. I have always worn a good(Donjoy) knee brace and had little trouble till last year I tore my other one. January I had an arthroscopic replacement of my left ACL and in Sept. I had the right one done. So I'm out for 2years, I want this to work. I did ride an event in Sept. before the second surgery, it was fun.
  11. Honda HP2 is blue and it has anti-carbing additives, I've used it for 15years and have had no problems will loading up and I have never had to clean a tail pipe.
  12. Jon knows his stuff plus he owns an '03. Hope its running better.
  13. I don't know but I have herd that the '08 is real smooth, and this was coming from an owner of an '06.
  14. The '04 pro takes a smaller gap than an '03 they have a different ing. I don't know the exact gap try gasgasusa and look up tech tips. And if all else fails e-mail Jon and he will know, and he can tell you what plug is best. Right now I would leave the plug alone and adjust the carb. First thing to know is what side of the idle adjustment screw is your flow adjustment on if its closest to the air filter it is a air flow and closer to the motor is a fuel flow. I think yours is a fuel adjustment , you lean that out by screwing it in. Start the bike warm it up have the adj. screw out 2 turns then rev. the motor and listen for how fast it goes back down, what you want is fast up and fast down, play with it turn in half a turn and rev the motor listen then go back out 1 turn rev the motor and listen then move toward the smoothest. Hope this helps.
  15. I'm not sell anything but Michelin is the only tire I would fight to put on. I would take an old Mich. over anything out there. I have an IRC and I can't what to tear it up so I can get a Mich, but I have rode for 20 years and I'm just used to them.
  16. motojojo

    280 Or300

    280 would be best for a novice, but the Raga is a good but fast bike. I would buy the Raga put a flywheel weight on it and you would have a good bike. It has a better carb,shock,forks and weight is about 150lbs.
  17. If the Chinese won't use things with made in China stamped on them why would we use them? I say please buy one and when your bike breaks in half or don't have the power to get out of a ditch just lay it down so I can use it for traction.
  18. In Oklahoma USA, the NEOTT Club has offered cash for the last 3 years at the October Test and a-lot of top USA riders show up or show off.LOL
  19. Yes stiffer spring is in-order or a new shock. I weight 220lbs. and I have had to put a stiffer spring on all my GasGas bikes. Tighten the spring up real tight and see what happens, can you move your airbox or take it off just to check it. You can get a stiffer spring pretty cheap.
  20. I like my HEBO and it has a removable liner. They do run small.
  21. motojojo

    Broken Shock

    Have you taken the shock off the bike and inspected it. I would remove the spring and look for oil and check the movement of the shock. Most shocks are rebuildable but not always worth it. Call your local rep and see what he has. The bike is worth a new shock.
  22. Ok, gas it and pick the front wheel up, push down on the pegs loading the rear shock, as the shock springs up jump with it. But we forgot to tell you if your shock is set up stiff you can't do any of this.
  23. Fox gloves, Hebo pants and jerseys breath real well. Riding jackets look for one that you can remove the arms is nice to have when the day warms up.
  24. Yea, try that plug cap its hard to catch. I would also remove the gas tank valve /filter and clean it.
  25. Only ride events, don't ride every weekend and see where that puts you. Its an easy way to get hurt if your not into it. Dropping off a 4ft. step and thinking I could be home doing laundry is not good.
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