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balamory beta

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  1. Glad you enjoyed the trial wobbler, I dont know if anyone has put up photos on the web, i would like to see some pictures too maybe someone could put a few on here? Did any of the team get up the whisky waterfall?
  2. Well thats us just back from roughly flagging the lap with our home made flag carriers (4" pipe about 1.5m long bolted to dive bottle back packs strapped to your back) and we have also found some nice new sections for this year which needed alot of wire brushing, bracken cutting, and letting stevie loose with the power saw (poor trees) but think it was worth it as they are good sections. Looking forward to observing "Team Carlisle" on Sunday morning after a big night in the Mishnish!!!!
  3. Thanks Bucki3 i forgot to put the website up lastnight all the info is there!
  4. Hi, would just like to let everyone know about the mull 2 day trial, The trial is on the Isle of Mull on the west coast of scotland and takes place on Ben Mor. The sections are all quite easy so it is a great trial for all abilitys. I am Helping set up and will be observing at the trial and we thought it would be a good idea to let people know about this great trial, and if people that have done this event before could offer some feed back it would be most appreciated. So lets hope we can get a full entry this year. Cheers. The club that is running the trial is The Lanarkshire Motorcycle Club.
  5. Being a newbie myself and trying out manuvers that require more experiance, often finding myself off the Techno laying on the ground wondering what I snapped off this time,however I've learned to loosen the lever perches a tad, thus when you go down it'll move rather than snap. Yes your right, but my levers are quite loose and i still end up snapping them i think it all depends on what angle they hit the hard stuff at!! Thanks anyway.
  6. I always seem to come across loose bolts when i wash my bike! MUC OFF bike spray leaves your bike looking really good
  7. As a newbie Myself (6 months) I would strongly advise you to keep a spare set of brake and clutch levers because if you are like me you will be snapping quite a few!! Its a pain in the neck when you have to wait a few days for a new one when you could be out on the bike!!
  8. Yip get a Renthal my IRIS snapped a few weeks ago, The Renthal chain looked twice as strong when they were side by side on the garage floor, it costs between 30 and 40 pound.
  9. Wow! I have been looking at these cards for a while now but always thought they would be a night mare to set up and as mine is ok i though it wasnt worth the hassle that has just changed my mind. Was it really that easy to set up? have you noticed what the fuel consumption is like on them?
  10. Yip there is a Rat, the boy has taken the bike home got board and messed about with the mechanics of the bike and when he put the machine back together it no longer ran the way it did before, its his fault you have been more than helpfull. Just give it to him straight the next time he hassles you!!
  11. Cheers, will do got two weeks off after christmas to tackel it.
  12. balamory beta

    Stray Spark

    When tinkering in the shed last night i started up my bike and because of poor light i noticed a spark jumping from the spark plug ignition lead to a screw on the radiator the gap between the two was about 2mm. Is this normal? Cheers.
  13. When i was last out on my bike the chain tensioner got wrappped round the back sprocket and the bolt and spring were lost, so i decided to order a new kit. And after fitting the bolt will not tighten and now fear the same will happen again I reilise the thread is stripped in rear swing arm. Is this a common fault for 06 betas? Any ideas on how to fix this problem would be greatley received cheers
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