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Everything posted by easytigrrr
  1. Hi, are there any other rear calipers that would fit a 250 98 techno? Has a grimeca fitted not sure if this is standard.
  2. Hi, Does anybody know the correct adjustment for the mixture screw? Beta Techno 98, like a "dork" stripped the carb of a recently acquired 98 beta techno 250cc and didn't pay any attention to the position of said screw. HELP.
  3. Hi, does any body have the web address or a link for lampkins in silsden, probably missed it but looked a couple of times.
  4. I'm after a manual for 98 techno, anybody have one? i have checked the above site and can only find one for the 99 techno. Cheers in advance
  5. Hi, does anybody have or know of a link for a maintenance/service book/schedule for a 98 beta techno. Thanks in advance
  6. is this spunaka trials club ben?
  7. Does anybody know of any descent waterproof socks (long ones) Been looking at sealskins but a bit sceptical? waterproof and breathable???
  8. Hi,got a couple of leaking spokes on a tubeless rear rim, is their an easy way to cure this? Also dose anybody know of anywhere that dose reasonably priced carbon fibre sheet apart from ebay. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, Anybody been to Hutton Le Hole? Whats it like? Does anybody have an accurate address or coordinates for sat-nav and google maps? Cheers in advance.
  10. Lets have some pics of the (super new cool Gasser) Biff
  11. what is the easiest way to fit a rear mudguard decal/sticker i haven't started yet,but thought better check in for some tips and advice.They look a bit tricky flat sticker curved mudguard.Thanks in advance.
  12. Also on Eurosport uk or Eurosport 2 uk (sky channel 410/411)
  13. How do you decoke the cylinder head? Is there a chemical cleaner or do you use a fine wet and dry.Thanks in advance
  14. does anybody know when there is a trial at penrith it's in july not sure the date
  15. Hi, just bought a used sherco 2.9, now it looks to me like an 03, but the tank sticker say's 04 series how can i identify the year from the frame number? Thanks in advance
  16. What does dog turd kit consist of?,Just out of interest.
  17. Hi Brad, i had to use a length of solid bar instead of a screwdriver and a two pound lump hammer,as mine were stuck fast. In the end the steel casing of the bearing shattered. just go for it, as said the only thing you can damage is probably your hand when you crack it with the hammer.
  18. Hi, spent a couple hours scouring the world wide web, why are trials tyres so expensive in the uk? Does anybody know of somwhere in the uk where you can buy new tyres at a non ripoff prices, or get then shipped in from the United states or europe. Thanks in advance.
  19. hi,do you mean clutch is sticking when the bike has been stood for a few days,and you kick it over and you end up inbedded in the back of your garage wall? Then what you need to do before you kick it over is stick in 3rd or 4th pull the clutch in and rock it bacwkards and forwards a few times untill the back wheel becomes free. i have a 2.9 sherco and i have to do this every time i ride,don't know if all trials bikes are the same or just yours and mine. what oil are you using?and how long ago did you drop it?
  20. Typin error, so very sorry, i no that you no,that i know that i karnt sellp.
  21. Hi,Simple one, what do you do with the chain to keep it in tip top condition?I've just been jet washing and spraying with arosole greese!
  22. Hi, Gonna cut to the chase,)is there a easy way to change a rear tyer? spent about 1 hour with a few screwdrivers and a crowbar trying to get the old tyre off,then i had a brainwave(very rare for me) i made a tool to break the bead, had it off in about 3 mins, "the tyre" new one back on, just as quick.Advice please HOW DO I BLOW THE GODFORSAKEN THING BACK UP? tried with a compressor, just can't seem to get enough air in at once,should i remove the guts from the valve? or is there somthing i should know on the technical tip side.Many Thanks
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