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Everything posted by lonewolf
  1. Hi all looking for a new helmet I currently have an old hebo & thinking of treating myself to a new lid. I run an airoh wheen riding mx so been looking at them for a trials helmet as I know what you get but also been looking at a shiro but havnt seen any report on them. They are a lot cheaper than airoh just wondering if the quality is OK, weight wise they are both the same. Any other options woukd be considered
  2. Pilot cleaned & also the small passage in the body cleaned out.
  3. Pilot jets are all clean & blown out. Funny thing is it runs just the same. When you rev it revs come back down nice & steady. Nothing really changes when you screw it out when it's ticking over revs don't increase. I ran it on sat all the way in & 1.5 out & didn't really notice any thing different between the settings. Temp was around 5 degress C.
  4. Beta evo 250 recently cleaned carb & runs fine only issue is I noticed the air screw is all the way in. Will this be fine. I screwed it out 1.5 turns & it made it run a little worse.
  5. Ah I get it now. I thought looking at the shape of it from website shops it went all the way down into the box. Thanks for that.
  6. With that preformed sheath stuff does it go down to the large box part. If it does how do you get the old stuff out.
  7. I seen that you can get a preformed one but it looks like it does the large part too not just the end.
  8. Hi I'm wanting to repack my evo 250 silencer do you have to do the large box just after where header goes in or do you just do the straight part up before the plastic end cap
  9. Hi I think the problem is solved. Started engine ran for 5 mins, bridged the connector for thermo switch. Fan came on. So was looking like thermo switch goosed. Plugged connectors back in fan then came on by itself. Looks like dodgy connectors. Cleaned them up as best as I could & gonna use dielectric grease on them. Cheers for all your help.
  10. Hi again Right this is what I've done so far I can't start bike at moment as carb is off waiting for an idle screw(shop sent wrong one so taking longer than expected). I've disconnected the fan connectors & put a 12v power supply to the fan & it comes on. So the next port of call when carb is on & bike is running do the same again but bridge the fan switch connector & that should confirm that the wiring is correct. Then if that's the case it looks like the thermo switch in the rad is this correct?
  11. Thanks for your help on this matter miles clearer now. I'll try jump the thermo switch over the weekend. I'll let yous know my findings. Any wire should be good to jump the switch yeah.
  12. Where do I bridge the fan. I'm terrible with electrics.
  13. I had the bike for about a month now & very happy with it I have noticed though that the fan hasn't come on yet. I've been out about 5 times in fairly chilly weather but the fan has yet to come on. Any ideas is this normal for a beta.
  14. Hi just drained the oil on my 14 beta evo I've noticed some of the oil caught the bash gaurd & has gone over the engine casing between the bash gaurd & engine. Now do I let my ocd get the better of me & take the bash gaurd off to clean up the oil or do I just put the drain bolt back in clean up what I can & bite my lip & refill with oil & go riding. Heard some bad stories about bash gaurds being a mare to fit.
  15. Hi Thanks for the tips. I can get it sometimes & keep it there for a minute or so just not consistently & when it starts to go I can't get it back even by sticking my leg out. I'm only doing about 30mins a night most nights so I don't get sick. I'll try the tyre pressure trick also.
  16. Hi there been practicing static balancing in my garage. Some days are good others just can't get the tech right. I struggle to get up on pegs bike tips over. If I lean bike against something I can get the balance right. I also find I lean the bike over a little when I have bars turned to get the bike balancing but when bike starts to go over further I can't get it back up to balance even by sticking my leg out. Any tips woukd be appreciated.
  17. Hi again Replacing the chain & sprockets on the evo it's currently running 11-41 combo which i dont think is standard. New to trials so would I be OK sticking with this or is there a better combo for a total novice. I'm just going with a did or afam gold 520 non o ring chain.
  18. Hi looking at replacing my brake pads on my 2014 beta evo 250. Which ones are the best for general riding. Also which spark plugs are people using it has a bp7es currently in it which is not standard, will there be a reason for this.
  19. The lad I bought it off is very meticulous & it's well looked after. Got sorted with some forma bouleder boots.
  20. I'm just going to use my mx pants n top for now. The mx boots are too heavy as I've tried them standing on pegs. Got a beta evo 250 any thing to look out for on them
  21. Hi all, new to trials but not to off road ride mx in the summer but just bought beta evo 250 to play on during winter. Haven't riden a trials bike in over 30 years so see what happens. Just need some ridding gear now
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