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outlaw dave

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Everything posted by outlaw dave
  1. Yes Stan is still around - rides mostly on the West Coast - spends his winters in Mexico - may ride the Scottish again in 2011
  2. The 2010 Outlaw Trial is now in the History books - The 23rd running of this annual event saw 45 riders out on the two days of action in the Okanagan Valley, near Summerland BC. With the Vintage on Saturday, and the Modern on Sunday. The 20km loops on Sunday, had two loops of 20 sections for Expert/Advanced riders, and 15 x2 for the other classes. - An early morning rain shower made the rocks slippery, but they dried out for the second loop. Brandon Wince of Kelowna beat out Stan Bakgaard for the Expert win on the tie break, with Steve Foord in third place. Full results can be seen by clicking on www.trialscanada.com.
  3. The 23rd running of the Famous Outlaw Trial will go next weekend Oct 9th and 10th. - The vintage Trial is on Saturday and the modern on Sunday The location is Summerland in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, and the Trial is sanctioned by the WEC. - an approx loop of 30km and 20 sections for the Experts ridden twice, gives the riders a great day out, and challenges for all, BUT the secret to the success of this event has always been sensible sections for all classes. We have sections named Avalanche Alley and Devil's Staircase, (the link to UK Trials is obvious,) but the main reason people keep coming back is because they enjoy the camp out, and the family type atmosphere, PLUS the sections are laid out in natural terrain. This year we have many top riders from the West Coast, and the 2009 Canadian Champ Steve Foord (formally from the UK)
  4. It really is unfortunate to hear of this - as a dealer I've sold many of the current Trials bikes and believe me they all have their problems. - I'm surprised that John Lampkin has not looked after this customer.
  5. Hi MRK - Yes go for the XXL
  6. Please note that because of the extreme forest fire conditions in BC the Outlaw Trial has been postponed until Oct 9/10 - for more info: contact Outlaw Dave
  7. Yes I have sold quite a few of these in Western Canada and so far no complaints - quality seems very good, but they do fit about one size "small" Outlaw Dave
  8. Hey Chewy - You can see lots of pics of Canadian Trials on my website - www.outlawtrials.com
  9. In my opinion the Evo 200 is the best bike for 60% of riders - As the other guy said - they will go up anything usually in 3rd and have great torque for a small bore machine. Trouble is every time I get one to ride myself somebody takes a ride and buys it !! (I'm a dealer in Canada)
  10. Rounds three and four of the WEC Canadian National Series go this weekend in Quebec. Wilson Craig from Vancouver won the first two events, but the battle in other classes is pretty tight - it really remains to be seen who makes the cross Canada trip to compete, Will Duggan and Devon Dargis from Vancouver Island are both up for the titles in the Champ and Expert classes, and will be in Quebec to battle it out with the Eastern riders.
  11. Don't know where you came up with those figures Telecat - I think you are way over the top.
  12. This weekend June 12/13 will see the second round of the Outlaw Series take place at Stony Plain Alberta. - This venue has some of the best terrain for Trials, including creek and mud sections. Vintage goes Saturday at 11am, Modern on Sunday at 10am There is camping available at the site, further details can be seen on the ATRA website.
  13. The first two rounds of the 2010 WEC Canadian National Trials Championships, are now in the History books. The Vancouver Island Events, hosted by the Up Island Club turned out to be both challenging and enjoyable, with Wilson Craig(GG) taking the wins both days over a short 7km loop in the Shawnigan Lake region near Victoria. Organizer Steve Fracy had laid out some really good sections, that certainly took points in the top classes, but sensible basic type creek and rock sections with tight turns and cambers made the Trial fun for the lower ranked riders. The full results can be seen on Trials Canada
  14. It's now only two weeks until rounds one and two of the Canadian Championship Trial on Vancouver Island in Beautiful British Columbia. - The weather in BC is quite mild, and most riders have already got in lots of practice, except for the Eastern riders, and this includes current Champ Steve Foord who emigrated from the UK last year. Steve lives in Calgary. Alberta, and at the moment they are suffering with a spring snow storm. - The Shawnigan Lake area, where the Trial will be held, is a Trials rider's paradise , with tight trails, and lots of big moss covered rocks. The Clerk of the course for the event, is multi- time Canadian Champ, Steve Fracy, whose son Matt is now following in the steps of his Dad, and is sure to have a bright future. Vancouver Island is situated only a short 90 min Ferry ride from the bustling city of Vancouver, where the recent Winter Olympics were held. The two day National, will be followed by a vintage Trial on the Monday, so there is a class for everyone, plus a chance to enjoy the scenic views around the old British type City of Victoria, just a short drive from the Trials site. For a poster and more info: Go to www.trialscanada.com.
  15. Sound advice from Enrico - You may have a plugged pilot jet - the stock pilot is 48 - air-screw should be about 1.1/2 turns out depending on altitude.
  16. Hey Ish - Are you and Stan renting bikes over there?
  17. There was a good turn out of riders from both Alberta and BC for the Trial on April 3rd, to remember Adrian Brown, who died in England last January. The full results can be seen on www.trialscanada.com and pictures on the gallery at www.outlawtrials.com
  18. The Trial to remember our old buddy Adrian who died in London England last January, will go this Saturday at Vernon BC - We expect many of Ady's friends to be riding from both Vancouver, Kelowna, Vernon and Alberta. We will post pics (if possible as I'm a bit of an old fart at the computer stuff) One of the more spectacular sections, we have named "Adrian's Wall"
  19. The 2002 had a problem with the vent tube inside the gas tank - take the petcock out and cut about a quarter inch off the tube - should fix it - 4 turns out on the FUEL screw is too much - you may need to fit a larger pilot jet we suggest a 36. - check the Sherco site under service for more info: or call MRS in the UK - RYP in USA
  20. We will be holding this Trial on Easter Saturday April 3rd near Vernon BC Canada to remember our old friend Adrian who passed away on January 2nd in London England after a long battle with cancer. Ady lived in Canada for a number of years, and was very well liked as a man with a big sense of humour.
  21. Hi Ray - Yes there are two clubs in Alberta - The ATRA who put on events Red Deer North and the Second Gear Club who host events Red Deer South. - You just missed the Red Deer show which featured a Trials demo. You can check out more on the Trials Canada web-site or my Outlaw site.
  22. Just like to wish Trials riders everywhere a very Happy New Year As I grew up near Oswestry, I keep a close tab on what happens in UK Trials, and especially "The Tough One" held at Nantmawr. which was one of our old Trials practice spots in my day. We are happy and fortunate to have Steve Foord and Jake Cook living in Western Canada as of early this year - Steve is from the London area, and Jake from Yorkshire - they have both excelled with Foordy winning the Canadian WEC Championship and Jake the Alberta ATRA Championship.
  23. It would help if you mentioned where you were located - it's a large World on TC
  24. The Canadian Trials season is now over, and one name that dominated the Intermediate class, is that of Matt Fracy, son of former Canadian Champ Steve Fracy. - Although only 12 years old Matt won his class in all of the Vancouver Island events, plus the WEC Canadian Intermediate Championship - add to this a second place overall in the PNTA Series, and it is obvious that this young lad is a star of the future.
  25. Borus/Ringo or Bob - Whichever name you are using - I think the figures you post are misleading as your "Reps" are only members of the clubs they belong to - they can only speak for themselves, until such a time as there is a vote on any issue or recommendation., by those clubs.
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