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outlaw dave

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Everything posted by outlaw dave
  1. outlaw dave


    It was 1989 when Birks rode one in the Scottish - JCM had a full factory team in the event, - The Europa Model featured a " Under the seat" Petrol tank - The bike worked fairly well once the carb was sorted and a few mods to the exhaust system.
  2. Please contact me off line at - daverhodes@shaw.ca - I am located in Vernon BC and have some parts and info on the Ossa.
  3. Hey Ishy That sounds a bit like "Sour Grapes" to me - I don't think the organizors upped the height of the sections just to eliminate the 4 strokes and after all Freixa is Spanish. Although Raga is winning, he is under the same pressure as any Champion and that includes Dougie - I say let the best man ( and bike) win. We should also note the exceptional ride by young Fajardo. - the thing that will keep the sport exciting is the " Changing of the guard" - a lot of people were fed up of Dougie winnig all the time. - English - Spanish - Jap -I don't care what they are - it's the same sport for everybody.
  4. How do the Classes stack up across the Country for being close in degree of difficulty? For example I know in Canada a rider who is a junior in one area could ride the Intermediate Class in another area. - I think the problem is that the organizers ( I'm one) tend to cater for the best riders in the local area ( which is ok) but the "Out of towners" are sometimes in the wrong class for their ability. As for course marking etc, there is no excuse for bad route marking, unless somebody has taken down the flags. - Again we seem to have more good riders than good organizers.
  5. outlaw dave

    Mont 4t

    Come on guys, All that expensive R&D by Honda and now you want to put a ratty looking silencer on it? ( Must say the bike in the picture looks well used - complete with zip ties)
  6. Hey Trials lad - Some of the Gassers come with the sidestand spring on backwards - try reversing the way it is fitted.
  7. We have had a few "Home Market" euro bikes - mainly Gassers in Canada, This is usually when the factory runs short of a certain model and ships what they have. They have all the Bells & whistles, but are easily taken off like Ishy says. it's no big deal.
  8. Jesster, I sell everything for the Trials rider including Sammy Miller and Clice gloves - I am in Vernon BC - contact me at - daverhodes@shaw.ca
  9. Billy - How the hell are you going to programme the new 4T, when you couldn't figure out how long it would take you to drive to Vancouver from Calgary ? - ( Just kidding) - All the best for the Holiday Season, we will be out riding in Kelowna on Boxing Day - VERY MILD & NO SNOW.
  10. Now I've seen it all - a write up in Italian, translated by a Yorkshire Yank But you have to give the Italians credit - they have got the Canadian Government in their back pocket - we will now have an official Italian TV Channel. - Just so the immigrants can get involved in the upcoming elections in the homeland. - Not that I would complain if they showed some good Trials videos - How about Donato Miglio for President ??
  11. I think the poll has some merit - but it is the general public who are shutting down the MX tracks because of noisey four strokes - check out John Dickinson's page in TMX. - We also lost a local practice area in Kelowna BC, because of the noise generated by the MX style four strokes - As somebody mentioned - Four Strokes "Boom" and echo for miles. - It's a neat sound but only to Motorcycle enthusiasts.
  12. Jay - There is another solution ! - buy a Rev 3 270 - check with Fraceyman - he is sold on the 04.
  13. outlaw dave

    Fork Seals

    Jesster - I will be at Shawnigan Lake this weekend for the Trial at Steve Fracy's - If you or your Dad are going - talk to me there. - I sell Sherco -GasGas and Beta Trials bikes. - Failing that give Kenco a call. Cheers Outlaw Dave
  14. :hl:Steve I will be bringing the All new selection of NZI Helmets including the Tri-Vent models to the Event this weekend - I think you will like what you see - Cheers Outlaw Dave
  15. Aaron - Glad you guys are having fun with the old bikes - We promote a Vintage Series in Western Canada. - You may also like to know that your TY 175 will be a 1975 model as they were not released until '75. - I worked for Yamaha Canada at that time and got the first one in the Country. - I now ride a TY 175 in the Classic Series - I have done quite a few changes to it, & have lots of fun - However I still say that the best part about riding a Vintage bike on the Saturday, is knowing that you will be riding a modern bike on the Sunday. Cheers Outlaw Dave Vernon BC. Canada.
  16. All the Cannucks will be pulling for big Guy Perret - At over 6'2" he is a mountain of a man and many time ISDE Gold medal winner, plus that he is also very modest a real class act. - OK so he lives just up the road in Kamloops BC !!!!
  17. Hey Ringo - Even you have not been told of the best kept secret - Raga has hired the legendary Mick Andrews as his coach to replace Jordie - After all nobody knows the Ossa bikes like Mick.
  18. This topic has been talked about lots - but Ridgerunner makes some very good points. - Many riders go back to a Trial the year after they first rode the event and find the sections way too difficult. - This has happened many times in Canada. - I think that if good sections can be used year after year and still be a challenge for some of the riders, why not keep them the same? - Obviously the terrain will dictate where this is possible, but surely this is the reason why riders remember sections such as Pipeline and Hawk's Nest. - We are all losing too many riders because the events have been made to cater to the top riders in each class - You should NOT need a calculator to add up the scores.
  19. Hey Marky G - All the Beta's have been very good - the latest offering is the best yet. The only flaw with the 04 is the rubber centre muffler mount - this was supposed to be a cure for the previous " Silent Bloc" breakage , but it is in fact worse - I have fitted the old style mount with no further problems- take care when tightening up the outside screw that holds the muffler - ie: Do not overtighten.
  20. outlaw dave


    Slapshot that is really funny - I'n not a died in the wool Hocky fan like my buddy Fracy, but I live up the Valley from Penticton. - about a two hour drive North. - Now if we are going to talk about God's Country - check out my Birthday pics on the front page (Canada 67th) Best regards to all you guys who like Hocky, but I prefer the ice in my drink.
  21. congrats Andy on fabulous coverage of the event - we ran a Canadian Scott for many years in the 70's in Alberta. - Never did hear a complaint - takes a real enthusiast to want to do it but the reward is well worth it - you only live your Trials life once.
  22. outlaw dave


    Stu - Take the filler cap off - on the inside you will see a small hole in the plastic - drill this to a larger size - this should fix your problem.
  23. outlaw dave

    Gearbox Oil

    Revitt - AS I mentioned, Stay away from regular motor oil if you don't want to chance clutch slip problems, The new generation of Motor Oils are made to comply with emmission controls, and are not suitable for Motorcycles. Both Honda and Kawasaki put out bullitins to their dealers a few years ago advising of this. - Stick to a good quality Motorcycle oil and don't think that you have to use Synthetics. When mixed with Petroleum Based Oils - ( you never get all the old oil out) some Synthetics have been known to "Gell", and while this is not a complete disaster in the tranny, It certainly can be if you take the same approach to your mix oils, many two-cycle engines have been seized due to the fuel filters becoming plugged with this so called "Gell".
  24. Ishy you have once again "Hit the nail on the head" - It won't be long before there are only 6-8 riders competing at World Rounds - Why would small factories want to spend mega-bucks sending a team to places like Japan and the States, when the market for their product is going down? The ONLY way for the sport to gain numbers again, is by having sensible events that are enjoyable for the whole family. You only have to think back to the Scottish change around when they went back to "No Stop" - At the time it was said that they may have to discontinue it because of lack of entries. - At least they got that one right. - They say Trials is a "Thinking man's sport" - In my book it's about time the Powers that be started to do just that, instead of concentrating on the almighty dollar.
  25. outlaw dave

    Gearbox Oil

    The Sherco takes 500cc Total - so if you are just changing the oil - it takes a while to do this with the bike leaned to one side, and you rarely get all the old oil out - therefore as Alan says - do as we do - re-fill with 450cc of GOOD MOTORCYCLE OIL (NON -SYNTHETIC) - we recommend 5w30. Opti 4. ( This is only available in Canada and the USA)
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