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Everything posted by yama46
  1. earls shilton leicester bonsall quarry nr matlock hawks nest buxton pathfinders cliffton derby elton nr matlock just a few around the midlands. where are you
  2. yama46

    Scorpa Oil

    i use gp10 in my 06 no drag at all. but they all stick from cold just get some heat in engine put the bike into 2nd gear and pump the clutch 3rd time and its free and fine all day
  3. not sure go up and should be able 2 get phone number
  4. can you still practice at hawks nest on sundays cheers
  5. best bet go up on a sunday dave clover is the man. 4o a year i think and limited places
  6. yama46

    Air Mixture

    one and threequartes. mixture 75ml to 5litres
  7. i have had loads off yam 2 strokes and always use airfilter oil but was gave the advice do not use airflteroil on o6scorpa by dealer?
  8. whats an airfilter GREG?
  9. hi do you use air filter oil in an o6 scorpa sy250 ?thanks for any advice on this.
  10. same path i was thinking my 06 had same problem last trial poor runing this was due 2 overheating as fan was not cliking in bay passed switch. fan should run constent it did until the bike started moving/reved hard.my bike has lights is orginal and has done only 12 clubmen trials. the problem was a poor blockconecter under tank the greenlupe one had about 5mm play when connected.
  11. is it over heating/looseing coolant?
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