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  1. Cheers, I'll try this and see how she goes.
  2. Has anyone geared there 4rt down? As i find it to fast in technical sections. What sprockets used? Any advise would be helpfull.
  3. I have a gasser 250 2006 & the exhaust rub's. All the gasgas bikes I have seen have the same problem, I havent done anything with mine as it hasent caused me any problems, in fact never give it any thought really, until now!!
  4. Was looking on ebay & come across some blue & black trials helmets although they looked pretty cheap, they were only
  5. Once washed plastic's always lose their shine, no matter how new or old your bike is, but once I've washed mine and blasted it off with a air line I use Autoglym Vinal & Rubber care, this always brings them up new till I go out again.
  6. Anyone have any idea's how much gearbox/engine oil to put in a gasgas 250 2006???
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