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Everything posted by trialsman
  1. Just a couple of weeks ago, a riding buddy of mine was looking at the final scores after an event. He noticed that the last place finisher in the Pro Class had considerably more points than the others in the class and said, "Boy, that guys doesn't need to be in that class". Then the guy on his right, sticking out his hand to shake, said, "Hi, I'm that guy".
  2. GOOD: No petcock, no choke, no pre-mix, quiet and torque out the a--, no need to even downshift on the trail, traction, everything seems to happen slower and better, fit & finish, etc. BAD: Geared a little tall in 1st for most, that's all I can think of. A little pricey, but you get what you pay for.
  3. I rode in the Michigan Ontario Trials Association for many a year and the guy sitting in the middle ( I don't know who it is ) is the spitting image of a guy who was very active in trials back then and still rides a little today even though he's probably in his late sixties or seventies. His name is Bill Scott from Windsor, Ontario. Does anyone out there know Bill and agree with me?
  4. Here's a picture of my trials bike and how I get it to the events! Great fun!!!
  5. Northern Norm, Your post is a perfect example of one of the many reasons I love trials. Nice, friendly people who extend courtesy every chance they get. God Bless.
  6. Just wanted to see if any other 4RT owners have noticed what I did after I changed the stock gearing. I have heard from several sources how Montesa radically decreased the old 4-stroke braking effect by giving the engine a shot of fuel when throttle is closed. When I first rode the bike with the stock gearing that braking effect was pretty much gone. Since I felt the 41 tooth was a little tall for my riding style, I changed to a 44 tooth, which I like a lot, however, guess what is back. The old 4-stroke braking effect, when I let off the throttle in first. It really doesn't bother me that much, but, I was wondering if anyone else had made note of it.
  7. For getting water out of the small places where you would rather not have water sitting around, I crank up the leaf blower and blow it all out.
  8. Poll was a good idea, but, somehow you need to factor in the difference in numbers. There are a lot more Gas Gas's out there than Montesas. So, if there have been 5 bad experiences with each, then the fewer Montesas would have a better overall showing.
  9. The poll is a good idea. If I may expound, my last three new bikes have all been Montesas, the latest being the 4RT. I've had to do nothing to any of them except change stock gearing. That is why I had no qualms about getting the new 4 stroke. Honda/Montesa quality is unmatched.
  10. Love my 4RT!! Went to a 44 tooth on the rear and took out header pipe restrictor. Clutch is fine for me, no mods needed. Everything happens slower and better, suspension is unreal..I also found out yesterday that the rear fender IS almost unbreakable. My 315 would have, the new one didn't. I get excited about the little things, too: no petcock, no chock and no pre-mix. 93 octane pump gas. Don't ride one until you're ready to buy one!
  11. Just in case someone is waiting for a 43 tooth rear to be available for the new 4RT like I was last week, the new Gas Gas rear sprockets will fit perfectly. It seems they're more available and in more configurations. I went with the 44 tooth and am pleased. First is as slow as I wanted and now 2nd is more versatile.
  12. Villie, Thanks for the picture! You're right; the Honda is Miss America and the Montesa is Mrs. America. Nice but just not quite. FYI: I have made contact with someone who thinks they can order what I need (need my rearend, what I want) from Japan. Hope I can afford them!
  13. Can someone in the States or in Europe tell me how one would go about getting the fenders and/or graphics to make a Montesa 4RT look like a Honda 4RT? Is that what they're even called in Japan? Or are they RTL's or something? Thanks
  14. To avoid any future problems, let me say there is another 125 sherco in s.e. michigan. I just delivered it this week to my grandson who will be riding it in m.o.t.a.'s novice class this year. hope you get it back!
  15. trialsman


    Will be teaching my grandson the basics on his new 125 soon and was trying to figure out what the most important things to teach him are. Obviously there are many, but I think one of the most important things is to remember that turning is done best by using foot pressure. How about some input from everybody on the other main things to pass along. Thanks
  16. Over the years I've attended several trials schools, lasting up to two days. My instructors have included Tommy Ahvala, Ray Peters, Ryan Young, Curt Comer, just to name a few. I still can't ride evry well, but that's another post. Here's my topic for discussion: Who do you think is the best trials riding teacher? Obviously, everyone learns differently, but, who helped you the most among those who have held schools? My nod goes to Ryan Young. I felt he was superb in translating, what he does so effortlessly, into words and actions that I could relate to.
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