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Everything posted by chader
  1. I got my bike from a rider in Colorado Springs, CO (Elev. approx. 6600ft). I live in Billings, MT (Elev. Approx. 3500ft). I need to pull the current ones and see where it is at. Does anyone have a resource or recommendation for jetting my carb? Thanks, Chad
  2. Woooooo Hoooooo !!!! I got a bike. I picked up a 2003 Sherco 2.9 this weekend. I had a friend in the Denver area check it out for me. He said it looked clean and cared for so I made an offer. Then I drove the 1300 miles round trip to pick it up. I am soooo excited. I have to do some minor cleanup and rejet the carb. Then I will be ready to start learning. Thanks again to all the input from you guys. I am very happy with my purchase and plan to ride this for the next season or two with total confidence in the bike. (I just need to practice and gain some confidence in myself)
  3. COOL. That's the kind of response I was hoping for. Thanks Shercomann! I have the hitch and rack all picked out. Now I just have to order.
  4. Big help Bilco. Tell me something I don't know. Feel free to move onto the next topic. I'm asking for someone with EXPERIENCE in this. Not a stinking GUESS. I saw pics of several different vehicles (VW and Honda) and others commenting that they had these racks. I just wanted to know what they EXPERIENCED and how it affected their vehicle. Then I can decide how that relates to my vehicle.
  5. NAAAAAAAA. Van's suk. My vehicle is actually a SUV (like a Ford Explorer, Landrover, etc), not a car. And I have no reason to sell it. It has plenty of room for my gear inside and I can sleep in there too. It also has true four-wheel-drive for my mountain adventures. I am just asking what others have experienced when adding racks to the rear. Does the supension sag enough to cause a driving problem???
  6. SUUUURRREEEE That looks really practical and convenient. Why didn't I think of that.
  7. Does the weight of the bike make the back of the vehicle sag much? I have a Nissan Pathfinder and my dad is trying to talk me out of this type of rack. He thinks it will affect my suspension too much and cause stability problems. He wants me to get a trailer instead. I don't like trailers and would like this rack if it isn't a problem with my rig. I could see a problem with a full size MX bike. But a trials bike is 100 lbs lighter. Any experience/opinions???
  8. Thanks for the interest. I haven't got anything yet. I do have a huge list of almost 40 used bikes. I researched several sites and made some calls in my area. Now I have to start picking favorites and slimming the list down to what I really want. I have choices available in every brand and have started to form some basic opinions. I plan to start making calls and emails soon to get details on the ones I like. My goal is to buy something by March at the latest. I plan to attend the Wyoming Trials Association series that starts in April. I want to get a few weekends worth of practice before then if possible. Thanks to everyone for their info and advice. I am very excited to get something and and hope to make a good decision based on your help. I will keep you posted when I get one. And I may get some pics once I get rolling. Later, Chad
  9. Thanks for the advice. I just want to avoid a lemon so I can really enjoy the sport. Can you send pics of your bike, I would like to see it? trialsin@bresnan.net Thanks, Chad
  10. Good to know. I just ordered the first RYP one based on some comments elsewhere.
  11. Good to know about the Monty, Scorpa parts. My dad wondered if I would be able to get parts through our local Hon-Yam shops. I was looking into boots. I found some new on sites for around $220 which is reasonable. I have a vented full-face BMX helmet I may use to start. It offers good protection and is pretty light compared to a regular MX helmet. But I like the Shiro and NZI open face ones at the same sites I found the boots. I'll likely place an order for both of these after I get my bike and see how much $$$ I have left over. I do wish I had more to spend (damn divorce). But $3,000 is the max and that might be pushing it. Especially since I may be needing some riding gear and tools. I do want a decent bike, but I plan on this season as a big learning experience. I will learn the sport and try as many bikes, brands, sizes as I can at the events I plan to attend. Then I can get a solid idea of what bike fits me and spring for a new one. I will have more savings and disposable income at the end of next year, so the timing should work out.
  12. I am recently single with no kids and plan to keep it that way for a while. But that's another story. I wouldn't have much use for a 2nd bike right now. Would you sell the 250 by itself? How much? Could you ship the bike? Great info in your post by the way. I plan to respond to some other points after I find out about your bike. Thanks for the time to respond.
  13. Well I have done some searching. There are two bikes right in town that I plan to look at. 1) 1997 Gas Gas JTX 320 for $1745, KBB is $1855 and NADA is $1540. So this may be priced about right. 2) 2001 Gas Gas TXT 321 he said he wants $3000 (off the top of his head), but KBB is $2575 and NADA is $2190. So I would offer around $2300 depending on condition. From what I have learned, I am a little nervous to go with the Gassers. But it seems that most of the issues I have seen are with the newer "PRO" series bikes (2002+). The current 2001 owner says his was before they started having problems and his bike has been reliable. I have seen good and bad about all brands, just a little more common with the GG. The only dealer we have in town is a Gas Gas dealer. So in a sense, it could be good to have support if I have problems. But I may have more problems with one so it's a double edged sword. The other dealers are several hundred miles or a full state away. There are several bikes in the Wyoming and Colorado area that are worth checking out too (just not as convenient to see). I am considering the 1997 GG as a cheaper way into the sport. I could have a bike on the cheap and ride this coming season (even if it isn't the perfect bike for me). Then I could test out various brands at the events in Wyoming to get a feel for what I would really like long term. At the end of the season, I could spend more on a newer bike and be sure about what I wanted. But the 2001 GG could be a little better in terms of motor and suspension based on the age. And it may only cost me a few hundred more to get a more modern bike. So I this is still in the running too. Well, thanks for the good feedback so far. Keep the ideas coming if you have more suggestions.
  14. There are quite a few good brands around for varied prices. Check here if you are looking for used. http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=7 It is a great site with lots of good info. I like the Echo, Adamant, Zoo!, Czar brands. They are all made by the same company and are decent quality for reasonably money. You can go with Koxx if you have more money and want better components. Here are some good sites for new parts and bikes. http://www.webcyclery.com/home.php?cat=407 http://trialsinusa.com/ http://midwestbiketrials.com/store/ Email or PM if you have more specific questions. I'd be glad to help.
  15. I have ridden bicycle trials for 15 years and want to start in moto-trials. I live in Billings, MT and have lots of hills, trails and some rocks to ride. Wyoming is close and has a very active club. I plan to compete in the upcoming season of trials events they host. I have ridden or raced about every type of bicycle around (MTB, BMX, Road, and of course Trials). I also raced motocross during high school, but haven't had a motorcycle for 15 years. I love dirt riding and bike trials, so I figure I will really enjoy it on a trials motorcycle. I am starting to look for a used trials motorcycle. I have gotten some limited advice from a few local riders. But I would like to hear any suggestions you guys may have. I just want a solid bike that I can learn on and grow with for a few years. I would like something that doesn't require excessive maintenance and isn't troublesome if possible. I'm used the normal 2-stroke stuff (pre-mix gas, air filter, chain, jetting, etc.) Here is what I have been told so far. 1) I should be looking to spend $2,500 to $3,000 to get a slightly newer bike that has been well maintained and not thrashed. 2) I should get a 2001 or newer bike because of the suspension. One guy has seen me ride bicycle trials and thinks the newer bikes will be easier for me to adapt to because of my hopping abilities. He said this is because of rules changes in moto-trials allowing stop-and-hop in recent years. This apparently changed the way they designed the suspension to work. 3) I should get a 250 or larger. I am 33 and weigh about 160lbs with gear. 4) Two people have mentioned that the newer Gas Gas bikes are more troublesome than other brands. One guy recommended anything else like Montesa, Beta, Sherco, or Scorpa. (But, I do question his point of view because he is a dealer for 3 of the other brands.) Another said the Gas Gas are intended more for competition and require more work to maintain as a result of this. Thanks for any advice, Chad
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