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Everything posted by ashbabble
  1. I got a text reply off John today and he says its shut but hopes to be open Sunday. Is there any other practice places around? Maybe not so high up! I live in Lancashire. Cheers
  2. My son's fan was running all the time yesterday and when I checked, the rad was cold - soooooo - it had no coolant in. Sounds silly but have you checked? Cheers
  3. I did exactly the same to my Suzuki back in the 80s although I couldn't get the rewinder to finish the job so I used to use Araldite! It worked for a while - I must have done it 4 times in all. Got fed up and flogged it in the end. Ah - the good old days - plenty of time but no money, now I got none of either!
  4. I've had this on a couple of Betas, in both cases removing the plates and shuffling them round cures it but it comes back eventually - just have to do it again. What I do to clear it on the day is to warm the bike up then set off in first gear, get it revving a bit, pull the clutch in then stuff the rear brake on (keep the revs on). This forces the plates to slip and once done the clutch is fine for the rest of the day - it comes back once the bike has been cold for a few days though then you need to shuffle the plates again. Works for me anyway! I use ATF but it makes no difference in my experience what you use. Cheers.
  5. Hi All I have a very similar problem however I seem to have 450 or so ohms across the coil. I found a diagram for a 1999 250 techno although mine is a 200, they don't seem to tally does anyone know if there is a difference or better still does anyone have a proper diagram please? I cannot really read the one I downloaded. On the socket from my stator I have 5 wires plus a yellow single and an earth making 7 in all, two of the cables into the socket give 450 (or so) ohms. If I need to get the stator off, is it special tools to get the flywheel off - has anyone done it before? Any help appreciated.
  6. Yeah, I emailed them and I'm still waiting for a reply - don't hold your breath! I'd phone them if I were you.
  7. OK, I am now absolutely sure the carb is OK. We were out riding today and something weird happened. It refused to start for ages but bump started accidentally when rolling down hill to the car - this should not happen with an auto clutch. It was also refusing to roll backwards as the clutch had locked. I think this has been the problem all along, the clutch is dragging. Next question is - has anybody stripped one of these clutches and are there any pit falls to watch for? Where would I go for spares in the north west of England? Cheers Jim
  8. Thanks for all your suggestions. Keep 'em coming! I think the airline approach might be worth a re-visit since the one in my garage is getting a bit feeble. Cheers Jim
  9. Can anyone help please? My lad's bike won't tickover and its driving me nuts! I have done everything I can think of but to no avail. So far I have stripped and cleaned the carb 3 or 4 times, cleaned the read block, removed the head to check for seizure, changed the oil, checked over the generator, changed the spark plug. There are no signs of crank case leakage or base gasket. The carb is very simple devise and I'm sure I have covered all aspects of it - unless there's something I'm unaware of. What am I missing? Any help appreciated.
  10. Thanks, I'll give that a try - Jim
  11. No, you're right, they don't seem to do actual kits, probably for the reasons you said.
  12. Having re-read your posting, I wonder if its your ignition timing? If it runs better with higher octane fuel then it might have been advanced by the previous owner. Check its set to standard.
  13. Thanks for the help guys. The trialsbits people seem on the ball - unlike some I won't mention...
  14. I'm getting good info out of this forum - keep it up! Next doubless silly question - where do I get chain and sprocket kits from? My prefered source is Ebay for most things these days but I can only find one vendor doing actual kits, there are a few others doing back / front sprox and possibly chains. To my mind, when one is knackered they are all knackered so you may as well get it all in one kit. I was suprised to find next to nowt in the back of TMX. I know its a minority sport and there isn't much about but there must be a supplier somewhere that you all use surely. Still cannot source a manual for my Beta techno 1999, anyone got a copy? ta
  15. I got some off Ebay but they haven't arrived yet! Also got wheel bearings which came quickly. I'm having problems finding chain and sprocket kits for Beta though, there's very little in TMX or on the web in general and little on Ebay - anyone got a supplier? In Lancashire / Merseyside even better. Ta
  16. I don't know why its so much more in Scotland than England but its still cheap by my reckoning. You want to try paragliding (legally)
  17. I fitted front bearings to my 99 techno which was easy enough but there was a couple of very thin shims, one of which I found on the deck, the other stuck to the speedo drive. they are not detailed in the parts manual so was not really sure where they went so I guessed! Does anyone know exactly where all the shims and washers go? I have no manual for this bike which is proving a problem. Beta do not respond to the email address on their web site either. Is there anyone with a copy of a manual please?
  18. I have a 1999 200 and the clutch would not work at all till I removed all the plates and shuffled them - i.e. cleaned them off and put them back in a different order. It has worked fine since - all of 2 hours. I have to say, the fibre plates did look a bit thin so may need changing in the end - somebody said they're expensive, so I'll suffle them one more time if it ever fails again. Taking them out is not difficult but beware of shims on the thrust bearing getting dislodged - they are easy to miss. If you want more advice get in touch via PM - I've almost mastered it now!
  19. Thanks for all the tips - Jim
  20. How much fuel do I need for a typical club trial? Do I need elbow pads and or knee pads, is that the norm? My son is 7 - same question How strict is scrutineering - for instance - a slightly wobbly wheel bearing? - Lads bike has weeping fork seals. My hanlebar grips are open at the ends, is that normal? Will it pass? I'm sure I will learn all this at my first trial - just don't want to screw up! Will everyone laugh when I fall off? I hope so - I will! Thanks Jim
  21. I oredered a set of 4 6004 2rs off Ebay and with postage it was
  22. Thanks for the help. My email is ashbabble@yahoo.co.uk Jim
  23. I have bought a Beta 200 (1999). I need to change the oil etc and have downloaded a manual for the bike at: http://www.betamotor.com/download/manuals/items/rev3.pdf Can anyone tell me if this is the right manaul for my bike? I don't even know if it is a Rev 3 - are they all called Rev 3? There are only 4 manuals for all the range listed and are not year specific so I was wondering if the manuals listed are for the 2006 model. Is there a huge amount of difference in the basic stuff like oil capacities in gearbox / fork leg etc between the years? Any help appreciated. Jim
  24. Thanks for all the help - Jim
  25. Thanks for the suggestions. Is it possible to turn up at any event (given a youth entry) and enter him? He has his ACU card etc. Would it need to be his own club for instance or any club? This could be the way forward but I'm concerned he'll be overwhelmed and be put off- I guess I will need to give it a try. Thanks Jim
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