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We don't want to annoy the purists! It's not hard to do here! Glad you started the new post and proud to be a clueless newbie 😅 I like how the title states surviving lol. More like surviving starting the dang thing lol. Well anyway this was a good idea.
Okay sounds good. I agree start a new thread. Thanks
Hey there Scottro! How ya been? I'm doing much better. Gaining strength back and just found out I'm cancer free. I will never talk again but I'm alive to ride my Gasser! I like that seat. Did you fabricate that? Looks good and I can imagine it's comfortable. I bought a Jitsie seat for mine. I also have the slow throttle. Can you please share with me what sprockets you installed and also what chain? Did you have to change the chain guide? And please can you give me a part number for the flywheel weight? Id appreciate it so much. Message me if you prefer. I bought an S3 low compression head and insert but haven't installed it yet. Bob suggested not installing it until I see that I can continue to start it. I missed the forum. I just wasn't feeling well for awhile. I dropped down to 113 pounds and really thought my riding days were behind me there for awhile. But I gained some weight. I'm 123 now and lifting weights religiously. I can start the bike now but only using the technique we discussed. And standing up on the bike with it leaning against something. That's the only way. Feels good to be back. I keep in touch with Bob. He's happy I start the bike now. I was reading some back posts that I missed and your right about the octane in European countries. Their 98 is our 92 I think I read. I'm running Sheetz or Rutters non ethanol 90 octane 70:1 with Motorex oil. It's a tad rich and I might take it to 80:1 after putting more time on the motor. My bike hasn't been run for a quite a while because of the weather. I didn't drain the tank or carburetor. Being that it's non ethanol gas do you think it will be okay until better weather? I had a heck of a time with a quad that sat with E10 gas for a few years and it was a nightmare. Had to replace the fuel pump, tear the whole machine apart just to get to the carb. Total nightmare and I don't want to go through that with my bike. I hope the non ethanol gas won't cause problems from sitting. Captain Bob rode my bike back before Christmas and he came the whole way up here to see me. Great guy! Really nice people him and his wife. He's planning to come up here to ride this season and could you be able to go too? That would be cool. Really good friend. He said my bike runs great. He liked it a lot and must have started it 15 times that day no problem. Talk later buddy
Hey! I'm still alive. I had a few messed up days there. Finished out treatments so now I have my garage and play time back. I'm back in the loop here with you guys. Please keep the conversation and information coming. My next step is to try that roll back technique.
Definitely, those top riders will find the weak parts that's for sure. I bought this one because it's all that was available within 300 miles honestly. I have not had any preference of one over the other really. This KTM dealer is 15 miles away so I figured grab it. I'd there's a next bike for me I will probably take the road trip. I'm like Captain Bob, I'm not nor will I ever be an actual trials rider. I just love the characteristics of the bikes. Slow, really light, nice for dense woods riding. Relatively easier to work on, I guess. I've always liked them since the 70s so many people rode those here. When I had the Montesa, I was riding a tight trail (alone) probably about 2 miles from civilization and rode up on what I thought was a big black dog. Turned out to be a bear cub and mama was close by watching me. Standing there on that bike trying to go as fast as I could with my butt cheeks puckered up hoping I wouldn't be dinner that night lol. I didn't even look back just kept going as fast as I could. I will never forget that.
We are the kick starter mechanism testers for the 2023 lol. Like you Scottro, I worry about that too but since lineaway said we don't have to split cases to repair it, it's a little less worrysome I guess. I keep reading and seeing on videos that something was changed on the 23 models ( even on the Gas Gas website) it's mentions that but nobody really explains what is different. I found a video of a European guy doing a test on a new one and he even mentions it. I always enjoyed doing my own work over the years ( only on 2 strokes) but I always hated having to get down in those cases. Captain Bob, you are only as old as you act and feel and I would put you around 44 years old lol! Seriously.
That's awesome. Hang in there. Man those 70s bikes were so much fun.
Thanks. Well it's definitely good to know that it's not a major teardown to repair it. I'm hoping to never have to worry about it. Not as expensive as I expected either.
I meant transmission. This thing has it's own crazy mind. By the way I had an 02 montesa. Loved that bike! It was a 250. When I sold it, 2 brothers from Gillette Wyoming met me in Nebraska and bought it in a rest area on I 80. 2:00 am. Probably looked like a shady deal happening lol
I think we're all old guys lol. You still do competition? That's pretty damn cool! That's a serious relief to know the you can slide the transfer out of there. Case splitting is a pretty big deal. Well it was for me anyway. That's mighty nice of them to spare us that fun. I had no idea you could slide that out of there. Where can you buy service manuals for these bikes? I have the print version owners manual but the only service manual I can find is a download. I'd prefer print. Do you know of a source to give those? That's cool that you compete. Williamsport PA is the only club I know of and that's hours from me. I wouldn't just like to go watch those guys
Butch is definitely going to nail this yet! I never experienced anything like this with any other bike lol. But I'm going to get it. Then you guys can throw a big party for me lol. Lineaway can hide in the cake👍
Thanks guys I'm going to try everything people are telling me. Lineaway are you serious about not having to split cases to do that repair? I've read a lot about that bart gear breaking for people. Something is supposed to be different for 2023 but I don't know what they did? Are you really serious about doing those kinds of repairs without splitting cases? Man, I split cases on other bikes not fun! Especially like the time it was an xr honda and the cluster fell out before I ever got a chance to do anything. I had to go to Honda and get an exploded view printout. Not fun. I'm going to try the pull it back in gear method. Lineaway I'm just a little weak right now from the cancer and weight loss and all that crap but this isn't going to take away from me things I love. I'm working out a lot to regain strength. I enjoy chatting with friends on here. It's just great to hear everyones advice. I can't speak anymore so the keyboard and all you guys and a very understanding wife and daughter are all I have left now.all I have now. It makes me happy to communicate with you guys and I learn so much. Like the bart gear lol. Okay! I heard of that but I didn't believe that's really what it's called lol
Very good point!! And if theres anyway for a newbie to hurt himself trust me, ole Butchie will figure it out first 😁😁😆😆
A definite thank you there Zippy! I really never thought of that until yesterday up at the garage. I started wondering what to grab onto when I put it up on the stand. Appreciate that tip. As common as it probably is to a lot of people, those kinds of tips help a lot! I will take any tips or advice I'm given.