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Everything posted by AdamBosh
  1. Hello Excuse me for bumping up an old post. i'd like to get the attention of some members posting here with a quick question...And leave a message to look forward too. My question. Where is Camp? ( If its tricky to answer because the answer is private... is it camp37?) I found you guys during researching. I am editing and narrating my Uncles cine film collection from 1949 to the mid sixties and plan to show them on YT. One of the films is 19 minutes of The 1950 Sunbac Colmore Cup Trials. silent and B/W, covering about 60 bikes over seven stages. ... Harold and Jack feature quite a lot on JOK, with many others like Johnny B, Fred R, Bill N and Ted B. The quality is fabulous, the details wonderful. Maybe done by the end of this year and i promises to post a link here. I also need to find 'rockery' or the 'Rockery, which is the stage just after Camp. ... And while i am asking... If anyone has got the original Sunbac program that would help a great deal too. D Thank you Adam
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