So I was watching the dvd and saw something unusual. It looked to me like some part of the loop, at Fort Williams, the riders were riding on plastic?.....with the rain would make for great slip n slide for the kids
So....Why the plastic? or was i just seeing things?
Counting a pivoting dab as two points is a HORRIBLE idea.
1. You will be makings the checkers/observers job that much more difficult to judge and there will be many more arguments at the sections between riders and observers
2. This will completely take away the benefit of the "planned dab" in a corner; to take a point save energy and prepare for the next obstacle
Who thinks of these things? They should run for office. Life is too complicated already....we do not need any more help.
I just don't know how you want to get it.
Not sure if we can fit it to take it to the next event with two bike in the back of a van already; also not sure if you want to wait that long.
Would you want to come up to get it?
email me personally
something that should be said here is that we all want the sport to continue and our top riders to be able to earn $$$$
therefore keep in mind that we all should be hitting the websites, youtube videos, buying the dvds etc
now a days that is how companies choose who to sponsor etc by who has the most youtube hits
On more thing
and this is important to me
someone else said this above but it should be stated clearly
big drop offs or jump offs do not get points.....they brake bikes so lets avoid them in club events for the upper riders (you know the ones... maybe anything above hip high requiring a jump off)
I have had to replace rear shocks to the tune of 400+ dollars
plus it ends your day
Three points I think should be said are:
1 take into account the whole other words some sections should be easy most the class gets 0 and then about 2-3 should be hard most class gets 3 (really we are not looking to get 5's); i feel sometimes with different set up crews all setting up an event that everyone wants to make a spectacular section with challenging turns/climbs etc and the end result is 8 hard sections
2 sections should have smooth "flow" and make clear sense
3 riders need to understand that it is okay to plan to take a dab in a tough corner instead of trying to make it and getting a three; and if something is too hard/over your head it is okay to take a 5 and save energy and your bike....I have won events using both of these ideas
Gate trials to me are fun, but does not provide the competitiveness that I desire. I like riding sections that are set up by someone else who thinks that riders of a certain class should be able to ride a specific line/obstacle. This exposes weaknesses in your bag of tricks; for example if you are not good at left turns then with a gate trials you can avoid left turns and choose to score less points (however this will not push you to practice your left turns).
Observing/working a trials event seems to be becoming more and more complicated and sometimes there are some heated disagreements; stop/no stop/dynamic stop, dragging your foot or pivoting your foot etc. We use to see kids and wives checking all the time; now it is fellow competitors.
I do however agree that the trend is more and more difficult lines which do require the latest technology and techniques to compete. This does make it hard on riders as they age; resulting moving down a class or just quitting.
So maybe we should just set up the events on the easy side. I do like the idea of less classes; someone above posted 3 lines. i am sure we all have read the manual and laughed at the over simplified diagram on how to change/check the front fork oil
How do they expect you to check/measure 160mm down the compressed fork tube with the spring in the way? Wouldn't an easier way to do this be (if you have never had a leaking problem) just drain all oil into a cup and measure the amount drained and replace with fresh 5 weight fork oil?
Is the right/throttle side tube supposed to have less fluid in it?
Also after re-assembly I have been getting some spring noise. Any ideas? Would this be due to over tightening the right side tube?
the 2006 and 2009 were/are both stock
the only adjustments i did to both was the needle and air screw for the elevation
i was considering bumping up the timing but i dont know if this can be done with the engine maping/switch
in addition to learning figure 8's/turns, throttle control, clutch control, other important things are bike set up (handle bar position, suspension sag, etc), learning how to read terain and then applying the appropriate technique to the section, i also ride the curb to practice being able to hold a narrow line,
Well an intro may be in order here check
I have been researching/taking/using nutrition and supplements for many years
Your diet seems fair but I would include a few supplements too
both are really good
the 1st is for intro riders all the way up
2nd is geared for people who have already mastered the 1st and are looking for more advanced techniques but i bet everyone can get something out of the second dvd
what i did is watch them a couple of times then start off with the basic tecniques and spend a day on each
watch the dvd explination and then go practice it for a few hours and it really helped
got mine from
2 strokes get their cylnder lube from the oil in the gas
endruo bikes will be reved up all day attacking hills and going fast while trials bikes rev for a few seconds and are then back down in the low revs
if you run too much oil in a trials bike you will foul plugs like crazy and oil will soak your packing in your muffler and drip out the tail pipe
i have been riding trials for 20+ yrs and my dad for 35+ yrs
recently we have been running Amsoil synthetic at 100 to 1 and have had no problems and we ride nearly every sunday
because we ride at upper levels we replace our bikes about every too years but even still i rarely hear of anyone needing a rebuild due to lack of oil in the mix
I have used both the dunlop and michelin for rear tires
For me the dunlop felt better on the first day while the michelin need some break in time
the dunlop didnt last as long as the michelin for me, i would estimate that the michelin lasts about 2x as long for me
personally i like the feel of the michelin better the dunlop always felt less stable to me
In southern california all we ride is dry rocks and sand, cant really remember the last time it rained during an event so i cant comment on which tire works better in the wet
i am sticking with michelin's from now on but hey this is just my opinion
just wanted to add a little something here that i think many of us would like to see
i was listening to the radio and a comedian made the statement that he wishes politics was like nascar....
when you see Jeff Gordon you know who sponsers him and who paid the big bucks and who paid a little just by looking at his suit and car
but all politicians wear shirts and ties and you dont know who is sponering/donating to them to persuade their time while in office
i am pretty sure no one found a back pack
I did want to mention too that i bumbed into a guy from Minesota or was it Wyoming i forget but where ever he was from he said it was snowing when he left
i second the statement about the Donner event
you would be crazy to miss that event
If you wouldnt mind getting up real early in the morning to avoid the heat i could show you around Lucerne Valley
in the summer we get there about 6 am and leave by 9am
we have a great ride with a memorial part way through check the web site and look at the Art Webster trial