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Everything posted by hannon
  1. hannon

    Soften My 280

    i agree try the slow throtle tube first its simple and effective
  2. I recently thought it would be a good time to change the oil in my 2006 280's front forks and my dad thought he would do his 2007 250 at the same time When we took mine apart i noticed the two springs where painted red and that a lot of the paint was chiping off, which wouldnt be good for the valving, it was near imposible to get the tubes completly clean but i guess it doesnt really matter if i am putting back the same paint chiping springs, and the same thing was begining to happen to my dads bike so my questions are this: Why would you paint these springs they are in oil so i dont think rust would be a problem? I herd that someone is making stiffer springs...what weight are the original springs designed for? what weight are the aftermarket springs designed for? is anyone using these springs and what do you think of them? are these after market springs painted too?
  3. Yeah i will have to hand it to the exibition riders the wind must have been blowing 50-60 mph and the sand blasting on top of it many spectators were wearing googles just to see i personaly found it difficult to stand in that kid of weather and for those guys to be going up 12 foot walls, 10 foot splaters, etc was incredible as far as personal performances Colton seemed to have been having an off day, but i have to admit i was most surprised by Harry since the last el trial he has really improved his riding and was looking good
  4. Well I thought someone should start talking about how great an event and exhibition this was besides the wind Cody put on an exceptional show and really rode smooth on his new 4 stroke
  5. I just got the 2007 indoor and outdoor review and really like both of them i liked the commentary too i was surprised to see there was a lot of video
  6. El trial this year i herd is going to be in march in Lucern Valley, CA for those who have not been here this is trials heaven lots of rocks slabs etc i should know i ride there every weekend and live 30 minutes away so if you can make the effort to come down participate and support/fund raise
  7. i use the rain setting when attempting loose hill climbs, slick rocks, river bed, logs, where traction is important then i will try it again in the sunny setting and i find that the rainy switch really helps
  8. for the most part try to find local so that you don't have any shipping charges but dealers tend to have a good selection and with that budget you shouldn't have a problem http://www.lewisportusa.com/ http://www.tryalsshop.com/ http://www.centralarizonatrials.org/home.html http://www.tec-cycles.com/ www.rypusa.com www.atatrials.com that should be a good start
  9. wow i am surprised David knight would act like that after years of domination in the sport i would think he would enjoy a little competition
  10. well thanks for everyones input here is the final words "exhaust leak" one of the header to cylinder bolts was loose tighten it down and the backfire stopped
  11. Well here is the latest we have checked every single electrical connection and cleaned them all adjusted the valves cleaned everything we could see and reach with a cloth someone suggested that we hold the throttle wide open and kick it 3 times (which i guess re starts the computer) the bike still back fires and the plug is still black running rich you can even see it running rich with black smoke coming out of the pipe any more ideas
  12. my 06 280 also makes this noise when just idling in neutral if you pull the clutch lever in it goes away same with my dads 07 250 gas gas has had some clutch issues with their newest gear box design but this is also how they save weight and get the bike narrow i thought i read somewhere that they are thinking of going back to a stronger gear box which i would imagine would better accommodate a 4 stroke
  13. I was wondering with this higher speed stuff what air pressure where you guys running any problems with any of the bikes? over heating? dented rims? did you two stroke guys mix your gas the same?
  14. oh yeah http://www.lewisportusa.com/ can get you your spring talk to Adrian he is pretty sharp on gas gas stuff
  15. start off with the spring change and then adjust the suspension i believe there is an adjustment on the top of the shock Gas Gas has changed shocks a couple of times over the last couple of years so i am not sure on the 04 but if you find it turn it all the way in and count how many turns it takes then back it out the the original setting then turn it half a turn in either direction and jump of that 2' rock then do it again and again until you see a change for the better rule of thumb is the bike should sag about 2 inches when you stand on the pegs have someone measure from fender to top of tire also when you push down where the tank meets the air box the front and rear suspension should move down so that the bike stays fairly level so you may need to adjust the front forks as well maybe start with an oil change in the front most people run about 7weight in addition to the suspension bend your legs when jumping off things and absorb some of that impact, and many times you can land on the front tire and drag the front brake to soak up more impact
  16. maybe what should be done is couple a trials indoor pre show and then if the trials guys want to compete in the endurocross just ride a big bike i dont think kieth, philip, colton, and others would be any slower on a big bike
  17. the bike runs fine no loss of power and revs fully but after you shut of the throttle as the motor is slowing it backfires
  18. many questions/statements he cleaned his air cleaner the day before our last ride the baffels in the muffler were removed the first week he got the bike about two years ago the exhust doesnt leak he does let the bike warm up which doesnt take long being that we go riding in the desert during the summer were temps start at 80 F and get up to 100 F by 10 am even at the end of the day he can rev up the motor and then it will back fire, typically what most of our group does it let the bike idle to warm up and check tire air pressure put helmet on etc this hole thing just started maybe a month ago it just seems weired to just start backfireing after owning the bike two years and the performance hasnt changed
  19. recently my uncles 2005 4rt started to backfire after he revs it up he checked the plug and changed it to a new one and generaly can not find anything wrong it otherwise runs good
  20. Wow El Trial in Lucern its been like 10-12 years since we had one there i would love to see what the pro's will be able to do with all that grip i cant wait
  21. Wow that looks like a nice place to ride sorry i missed it but i had to set up the lucern event someone had to ride the expert and master lines to make sure they are right however i only set up 8 sections so i wont accept responsibility for the others how come almost all the pictures are of beta riders?
  22. I just havent seen much talk on these events and wanted to start a thread to get some info and maybe pictures
  23. i was told 380 cc of type f trany fluid and to change it more often than normal and i have a 280 06 gas gas that i got from adrian at http://www.lewisportusa.com/ ask him
  24. Listen I have been just reading forums on trials central for at least one year now and after reading this thread i had to become a member so i could put my 2 cents in. so here it is: dont buy a gas gas 320 they were probably the worst running gas gas made and you will never need all that power, to put it in perspectve kids from england can ride a gas gas 200 and do anything our U.S. Pros can do, and that bigger motor will make the bike feel heavier, so at most get a 250, 270, 280 if i was you i would get a better bike off the bat, what will probably happen is that you buy a late 90's bike and like trials and then after about a year cant get rid of the bike to get a newer one you can find good 2002-2004 bikes for sale between 2000-3000 and you will be able to ride and be competative for much longer try looking on trials comp's forum's, shiping is not a problem http://www.trialscomp.com/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=11 as for boots and helmets this place i have found to be one of the cheepest even after shiping and exchange rate just plug in your credit card just like any other site and every thing is fine http://www.topfun.com/ as for which bike i like, just like it has been said above there are good and bad qualities of every bike personally i have owned many scorpa's and was quite happy with the reliability and feel of the bike, i have had one sherco and was happy with it as well, and now i own a gas gas 06 280 and i just love it very light weight good power confidence inspiring and i have found it easier to balance than most other bikes, if i was to buy used i would look for a beta, montesa, or scorpa all of these bikes for the last 5-6 years haven't had seriously bad problems and with beta's and montesa's good solid aluminum frame it will feel tighter/ more ridgid longer while most your other bikes loosen up after about a year or two i would focus on reliability because no one wants to show up for an event and have to check or something because my bike was broken again and that kind of reliability i have seen from beta, montesa, and scorpa gas gas's have had a reputation for needing more maitence and for having gear box and clutch problems up til about 2005, oh and i have a 2004 scorpa for sale for 3000 if your interested
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