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  1. This is what the man himself told me at least 20 years ago. GUV 132 was loaned to the Beaulieu motor museum but a few years later when he started his own collection he asked for it back. Beaulieu told him that as far as they were concerned he had donated the bike to the national motor museum and it now belonged to them. So Sammy obviuosly disappointed built a replica of his own bike for his own Museum. So there were 2 GUV 132's at that time. Twenty Years down the line there could be several more but only one person knows the original.
  2. Hi, after reading what Woody had to say about the bike I bought it. I am pleased with it and intend to ride it in the twin shocks class of the grey beards. To my surprise the rear end feels OK . I will not be putting it back to it original spec or be spending any money on it. I don't see the point just to throw it over some rocks or down a bank. But I will be having lots fun on it Woody I owe you a beer. Cheers
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