I got one for Christmas in 1977. We weighed mine and it topped the scales at 48 pounds. A basic Raleigh Burner with steel wheels weighed 32 pounds and my Ammaco Team Sprint weighed 27.5 pounds. Part of the issue with the front axle was that it was only 5/16" diameter. The rear axle was 3/8" like most 80s BMX bikes were. I broke dozens of front axles and eventually did a rear one. The last front axle I recall doing was just taking off on a jump. It broke on the ramp and I was straight over the bars. No gloves or helmets in those days! We even had a front axle made from T45 aerospace steel by BAE Systems at Brough and it didn't last as long as the ones from the bicycle shop. The main issue with axles was that one of the wheel bearings was mid axle span instead of up against the the fork leg or swinging arm mounting - something to do with accommodating the drum brake paraphernalia. The brakes were awesome for the weight of the bike and I could get the back wheel up on the brakes. First bike I got my knee down on - skateboard pads on the knees.