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Posts posted by wetfeet
  1. This video shows the winner of "Ukraine’s Got Talent", Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch. best viewed on full screen

  2. Good on you andy, and all the other admin staff, for the poppy on the front page its good to know, we wont and cant forget the fallen!!!! we (as a family) have a good friend out in afgan at the moment, and i know the lads and lasses out there really do like to know that we ARE thinking of them and how much we appreciate the good job there doing!!! so a simple poppy on a web site speaks volumes

    so thanks again trials central

  3. hi guys i thought you might like this john but when i was surrfing the other night i never took much notice of the web site so its took me a while to find it but here it is

    sherpa t

    hope it helps

    and if anyones interested the site i was looking at first was this one take a look theres some stunning bikes


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