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  1. Join us for a trial at Haulipia mountain park, site of several nationals and a world round. Camping in the cool pines and great terrain. https://www.centralarizonatrials.org/_files/ugd/bb719c_f2f9104c854e490798d9079269ad22d4.pdf
  2. I tested the factor E at the Tennessee round of the NATC trial in late June. It was the first electric trials bike I was able to get on and immediately feel at home. I have ridden several EM models with and without clutch, my wife rides a 2015 EM, A friends Mecatecno. I thought the bike was brilliant, for a clubman rider going on 60, can’t say how it would work for all skill levels. If Geoff Aaron is to be believed he says he rides expert level obstacles routinely (he is the US ambassador for EM). Anyway my factor E should arrive in late August. Very much looking forward to the reduced maintenance. I have two grandsons that are up and comers and staying on top of those bikes is more than I have time for as it is.
  3. Dallin age 13 rode the junior sportsman class. First ever national. Saturday and Sunday he taking a fourth both days. I would say he did well for his first National. as for myself his Grandfather, John Farrell, clubman 17th Saturday, and managed 7th on Sunday. we intend to go to the next one in Tennessee, NATC round 3 & 4 followed by youth camp and then the East youth Nationals.
  4. The 2024 national trials series starts this weekend at the Hualapai mountain park in kingman AZ. This is a beautiful location and was the site of a world round a few years back as well as previous local and national events. Toby Martin is signed up to compete, should be quite the show My 13 year old grandson Dallin “Cheeto” Steely rides his first national in the junior sportsman class. https://mototrials.com/
  5. Both yours and my Nitro were earlier 22 models. I got a 250 from the first batch to hit the US. The second batch had batteries. I am happy with my bike however a little p****d that I had a less desirable 22 model.
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