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fantic 300 pro

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  1. Larry, I appreciate your help and interest. Thanks, Paul
  2. I have 240 and 300 Fantics. Both have OKO carbs on them and they run great. They run even better when I use straight race gas or a 50/50 mix. I may pull one of the OKO carbs and try it on my Italjet.
  3. Yes my bike is running. It has a distinct lack of power compared to my Bul 199a and others... It looks like it has a miss match of components in the carb. This is hard to tell as a lot of the jet markings are impossible to determine due to wear. I need to order a whole new set of carb internals from Steve Goode.
  4. My bike has a Dellorto PHBH 28 BS mounted to it. It is in very good/clean condition. I have stripped and cleaned it on three separate occasions. - main: 110 (I think my main is a 115 though this is hard to tell as the marking is worn) - needle: X2, second notch from top (correct needle) - needle jet: AV 264 (needle jet is a AV 264 - I believe the 28MM carb should have a AV 266 needle jet) - idle jet: 55 (I think my idle jet is a 58 but it's hared to be sure as the marking is worn) - idle screw: depending your location around 1,75 turns (correct) Bike has a 60 slide fitted Brand new 200 needle valve and seat fitted as the old seat was badly worn
  5. False alarm on this one.... After spending three prior attempts to get it running I tried again today and it started first kick LOL! Now all I need to do is figure the jetting out as it unresponsive and has very little power. If you fellas have any thoughts/ideas on a fix I would be very greatful. Thanks to all of you for your help and advice.
  6. I have put three new plugs in it and they are all wet after I try starting it. I am thinking the ignition timing needs setting properly.
  7. No I haven't tried pouring a little petrol directly in the cylinder. I have tried squirting a little starting fluid in their. No joy whatsoever. Should I try a petrol/oil mix directly in the cylinder?
  8. My 350T was recently fitted with new points and condenser. After letting it sit for about a month it will no longer start. I have ruled out any issues with the carb. The bike has a big fat blue spark. Could the ignition timing be out?
  9. Can anybody offer any advice on jet size/carbs settings on a 350T? I have an aftermarket Bultaco air filter on my bike (complete with built in rubber boot). New points and condenser just fitted (very nice spark). The needle clip is already on the highest setting. Bike is running very rich. It has a distinct lack of power. It will not rev out cleanly. The needle clip is already on the highest setting. Any advice would sincerely be appreciated. Thanks, Paul
  10. Guys, thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts. I think I will give the springs and caps a shot. Merry Christmas to all!
  11. Glenn, thanks for taking the time to reply and send a pic. Do you have to mod the stock 300 front bracket at all? Thanks again, Paul.
  12. Has anybody tried the adjustable Magicals fork caps and springs on a 240 or 300?
  13. I would like to install a 300 seat onto my 240. Can anybody please advise me on what mods need to be made. Picture(s) would be appreciated. Many thanks, Paul.
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