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Everything posted by playboy
  1. I today witnessed a very unfortunate and unbeleivable incident at todays British Trials Championship trial at Brimham Rocks. George Morton had just ridden up the big rock step going into section 2 when his bike caught fire. He bailed off and after a couple of attemps to put the flames out with water the fire just took hold. Eventually someone got hold of a fire extinguisher and Steve Colley was the guy who used it to put the fire out. By this time (approx 5 mins) it was too late and the bike was wrecked. It was incredible how fast this fire took hold of the bike. I took a short video with my phone which was taken just after a minute which I have posted here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmLBeebj1p0. You can see how bad it was in such quick time
  2. What PeterB says is exactly right. I added a weight to my 06 Raga 300 and combined with a slow action throttle will make everything more controllable. When riding streams the bike won't get away from you and you'll have what seems more time to steer the bike before actually getting to the obstacles. If you decide to go the flywheel route I have an hebo/gas gas flywheel weight which is in the original box complete. It was used for 6 months but I will no longer need it as I have gone 4 stroke. Cheers.
  3. Can't be any wetter than the UK can it? I'm sure you will have a good time. Don't want put a big dampener on things but I've looked at the 10 day forcast for Limoges and it's forcast rain. I am competing in this trial for the first time since 1991 and let me tell you I had previously ridden a very wet SSDT in 1990 and thought right I'm off to do the French 4 day where the weathers hot and the conditions are dry. I was sat on my bike on the first day waiting to start and it was wanging it down with rain. I was thinking why did I come here when I could have ridden the Scottish again and gotten wet, but after a couple of hours it stopped and from then on it was glorious sunshine all week. I can only remember that this was a great trial with propper rules (u can stop) and the organisers are friendly (there for the sport) and this year there are lots of Brits there so I'm sure no matter what happens it will be a great week. Just like in the UK the weather people make "BIG" mistakes so maybe it'll be the complete opposite of the forecast. Let's hope so.........See you all next week.
  4. I've just made a last minute decision to go watch the World Trial GP in Italy this weekend. I'm travelling (alone) early Saturday Morning and was wondering if there's any lads going who I could meet up with for a few beers on Saturday night. A mate of mine's out there with his Mrs which is cool through the day but I don't really want to play gooseberry on an evening over a meal. Cheers!!
  5. playboy

    4rt Pump Mod

    I know exactly what to do with the pump and will tell you for a large wad of cash!! Just kidding!!!!!! If you send me your e-mail address I will send you an A4 picture with photo's of how the mod looks in comparison to the original. It's dead easy to do and takes about 30mins total. Although it does involve a little bit of welding. Cheers
  6. playboy

    Tecno 270 1999

    I have been riding and competing in trials for many years and have previously owned both the Cota 200 and a Beta Techno and let me tell you they are worlds apart. Back in the day the Beta Techno was a very competitive bike and was also very reliable and well built. You still see alot of these bikes about today usually ridden by non competing riders, as things have moved on alot in the last 8 years. Ask yourself this "How many other brands do you see about that are this age and still running strong?" ....Not many as they will mostly be completely dead. Testament to how strong and reliable the beta is. I wouldn't worry too much about parts as it's not going to break (easily) and the parts you would need are still readily available. Hope this helps.
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