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  1. Jimmy! Is that "out" from fully soft or hard mate? Cheers, Jza
  2. I've messed around with the rebound and damping on my 2005 4RT to the point where the front and rear are out of match.. the rears a pogo stick and the fronts a mess (its just been serviced with new heavier oil so i need to re-adjust. Which way do i turn to increase, which to decrease (clockwise or anticlockwise)? I know im a muppet.... Whats the factory standard so i can get it back to that and start all over again? Cheers Jza
  3. I hate this sort of do-gooder post. The guy asked about the restrictors in his exhaust.. he didnt say "please show me the light on my responsibility to humanity". Its about choice dude, if he wanted a debate about the pro's and cons of noisy bikes, he'd start a post on the that subject. Rather than "hi-jack the thread" why dont you start up your own thread and tell us all how we can avoid upsetting the neighbourhood and we can chose to read it or not read it.... and avoid preaching on other peoples posts? FFS... Jza
  4. Hey guys, Noticed that i was skidding the front a lot and realised my fork is now a pogo stick... the "muck" on the right fork tube was actually fork oil bugger. I'm hoping its just a case of repalcing the oil seals and the dust caps, refilling the forks with oil and i'll have my forks back? Is this an easy job or one for a dealer to sort out? Next bit is the fork oil... I'm a big lad.. 18 stone dry so i have lots of pre-load and damping to stop the front bottoming out... it sinks way too easily due to my weight i think. The standard oil is 10 weight... im 18 stone so thought i'd up the fork oil to 15 weight? Will this will allow me to wind off the damping and preload a bit? Am i right that this could help with the bottoming out issue? Anyone have an ideas? Jza
  5. Im a member of Earl Shilton... just turn up on a saturday or sunday lunch time... there's always people about. I've made friends with the lads there and all are welcome
  6. jza

    Sprocket Ratios

    Hey guys, Time to get a new chain and sprockets. I have a 42 tooth rear and im not sure about the front. Anyone recommend a good ratio? Will i need to remove links from the chain? Cheers, Jza
  7. jza

    New Bash Plate

    Used my ratchet strap and some carpet, tightened up and pushed a bit and got it on.. phew... thanks for the responses guys
  8. Defo no smell - in fact i checked the coolant level and it was still full... looks like a case of "they all do that sir".... will change oil more often going forward. Thanks! Jza
  9. Guys, I use the Putoline 4 stroke oil in both engine and clutch without problem. When i emptied both this weekend having done a quick blast first, the clutch oil came out light grey! Smelt like oil, felt like oil, just looked "weird". It wasnt sludgy like how i'd expect it to look if water got in so im confused. I've probably used this set of oil for longer than normal as the bike hasnt had much use over winter... Do i have a problem or is it normal? Jza
  10. jza

    4rt Coughing

    You checked the air filter and box for water? A blocked air filter would start it coughing?
  11. jza

    New Bash Plate

    I've got a new 6mm bashplate ready to fit, bought off H&D racing on fleebay. Looks like a great improvement The instructions suggest tightening the front bolts on a bit, then lining up the rears. Thing is, the angle of the front of the plate is such that the rear bolts are about 1/2 and inch off. The 6mm metal doesnt want to bend at all. How on earth do i bend it in to place? How should i angle the bike when working on it? Lie it on its side? Any ideas guys? Jza
  12. Wicked thanks guys.... i guess its just normal and im not looking at a new gearbox which is nice. Jza P.S. I find that starting the bike in gear when its hot takes a lot more effort than when its in neutral...
  13. If i ride in a trial (hang around in sections waiting to go) and the bike gets "hot" i ALWAYS struggle to get the bike in neutral. The symtoms are - i ride to the next section. i switch the bike off in gear and leave it againt a tree to walk the section (it needs to be in gear so it doesnt run off ). I come back to the bike. I try and get it in neutral. It will kind of get there - but jump back in gear if i roll the bike forward a foot. I try again. I cant get it in - so resort to trying to start in gear which usually takes a good few minutes of bashing on the gear lever. I noticed on someone elses 4RT that it was difficult as well so assumed its a case of "they all do that sir". Do they all do that? if not - what's going on? Its a 2005 4RT Jza
  14. Looking at that map and zooming in - you go under what looks like a railway bridge (if your coming from west) and its near a farm on the right - is that correct? Hope to see you sunday
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