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Posts posted by putrid_fruit
  1. Biff!

    What year 270 do you have?

    I just got off an 04 which has quite a docile power hit onto an 07, which is much snappier.

    Initially I suggest changing throttle tubes. The black throttle tubes are the slow ones, while the fast action ones are white. Have a squiz and see which you have.

    The flywheel weights are definately an option, but without them should lead to better technical skills, at the expense of possibly over using the clutch on basic turn and loose stuff. If your main problem is the looping, then that sounds like a throttle control and timing issue, I'd start with the slow action throttle. A flywheel weight will keep the front down a bit initially, possibly giving you less looping but generally the best way to prevent looping is clutch and brake. Are you using the clutch to initially pop the front into the air?

    About your wheely control, an important aspect of this is to have your suspension set up well (nice and soft (and fast)) so that it reacts well to body english as you adjust. flywheel weights will make throttle adjustmenst less resposive while you are on the back wheel.

    Good luck, and Welcome to TRIALS! :D

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