Hello everyone,
I have a problem again with my Vertigo Busto 2021 250cc and I can't find the solution.
I would like to post the problem to see if you have a solution.
Some time ago, I had fueling problems during training. Thinking that dirt had gotten into the air screw of the injection body, I dismantled the injection body.
I noticed that the tps sensor was free with the screw loosened..
Since then, it's been a mess!
The motorcycle starts cold but rattles and smokes abnormally then when hot it stops by itself.
Here's what I did:
TPS Replacement
TPS recalibration
----------The problem remains the same------
Checking the connections, checking the coolant level and pump operation, swapping the ignition coil with my brother's motorcycle
I have no results The bike always stalls hot
My WIFICOM does not indicate any fault
What do you think?
When I changed the TPS, I did the replacement without doing any tilt adjustment, just a calibration afterwards. do you think it's good?
Thanks in advance
3 weeks since I rode............