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Everything posted by hensley
  1. Now i am confused The first gas gas i was around was my sons 03 200 when we got it the clutch would creep all over the place. I had the book recomended 525 ml someone sugested i run 350 cc that fixed the problem. Ive been running about 380cc in all my pros which brings up maybe another topic all together, how much oil?
  2. It came new with a mineral oil clutch with dot 5 put in as a factory screw up more than one came that way to the U.S. my friend converted it to dot5 replaced top hat seals replaced mastercyl rebuild twice then a new master cylinder thinking the old one was scored. Update dont know if this makes any since started bike today it was screwing up when we parked it last clutch was fine i ran it about 10 minutes changed oil used type f 360cc instead of gm autotrac that was in it bike started it up and it began to creep then it would stop creping then start again starting over from scratch would be probly the best solution. btw i did notice that when you engage the clutch with the bike not running there is a slightly difeerent sound louder than on my other gas gas could i have gotten two scored master cylinders
  3. I recently purchased an 04 raga from a friend with very little time on it. The clutch after riding for about an hour or so starts creeping. He bought it when it was one month old to solve the problem converted to dot 5 put a couple of kits in the master cylinder then decided the master cylinder was bad and put a new one on. he rebuilt the top hat when he converted to dot 5.
  4. weet im only 50-60 mi from truman lake like cope says we can use extra riders. got an extra bike if you want to give it a try. As far as size im 6'3 240 lbs
  5. You must be good riders and or have young kids. Im a poor rider started at 43 years old and with homer its hand him a drink of water and watch. my dumb advice usually messes him up. My scenario does avoid controversy however. Sir hc ill be sure and look you up at the youth nationals hope to manage to get enough time away to maybe add the camp also. As far as youth support in my area i can afford to go more but the dairy farm ties me down quite a bit. Yes the Dennis family is from missouri and are good people both boy susually win if your wife has family in north missouri the dennis is only 20 mile from club quarry. i think nathans in the 10yr old class?? whatever alans boy deans in. dawson may be in 8 yr old class.
  6. sir hc You have given me something to think about with a whole stage of representation at the ama awards that ought to give trials a little more representation. Im still going to think of the ttc event as the youth nationals not eastern youth nationals but maybe with a national round coupled (that is a great idea)with the western youth nationals attendance will be up. I would love to go but im afraid time and money will prohibit this year. If things turn out good next year it might be a different story. im located near springfield mo if it works stop by on the way back here is a link to a blogspot i just created, has some pics of what there is to ride. http://swmissouriobservedtrials.blogspot.com/ Speaking of advantages while Homer has only a couple of old men (one of them a poor rider ,me) and one 28 year old brother to ride with, no other kids. he has 2000 acres( most of it belongs to neighbors) right out his back door to ride anytime he wants. I hate to hear you are down to six riders Hope Leavitt makes it, and what about Sandavol both of them really add to homers class. Roper would also be in homers class ,is Arizona close enough to count him. Also i saw Bailey Tucker from Colorado ride at Oklahoma not sure how old he is he can really ride.
  7. I think its great california has a concentration of riders and the effort and organization to achive this. It cost a lot to go to the youth nationals even making the trip from here in missouri. Our plans at least at this time is to forgo all nationals (except ttc national)and almost all local (if 200 miles is local)events and just go to the ttc youth nationals The California team should have a huge advantage with funds to go the ttc and if i understand it right if they dont win the overall in tennesee they can ride the regionialy located event way out in california and share the ama recognition. Would love to be able to make the western youth nationals but with no support it doesnt seem possible..If we really have to have 2 winners i would like to see a fund for all 0 line riders at the U.s. youth nationals being able to get to california for the western youth nationals. It must be extremely hard for northeastern riders to make both events In the future will there be an eastern youth nationals with ama recoginizing the overall winners there also?
  8. Where at? i need to buy a couple and my supplier went up $20
  9. mark sounds like my story I also quit for twentysome years also get my but kicked by the rest of the old guys and i really hadnt thought about it but ill turn 50 next year also
  10. toothand nail I always thought there were only too kinds of people thoze who can spel and thoz who caint
  11. It is a rubber device used to cushion and protect a wheel . Help me with my spelling Is this better? There is and old rock quarry about 10 miles from me that over the years was filled with reject TYRES. Recently there was a large FYRE and they all burned leaving a pretty good place to ride except since they were steel belted there are several pices of WYRE all over the place. Its very muddy at home rather than MYRE up all my sections at home i could HYRE someone to pick up the WYRE and it would be a good place to ride.
  12. plastic barrels wont hold up very well everything else sounds good. how big is the shot rock. btw im about 70 miles south of california mo have a small playground plus acess to 2000 acres surounding me with a couple hundred sections (unfortaly many still devestated by the recent ice storm). if you want somewhere to ride or some ideas email me
  13. Spinner thanks for straighten me out. Im looking for a helmet for homer were looking for something light were used to 850 grams so anything is going to seem heavy. in process of swapping bikes, just found a deal on a one piece closeout i guess a helmet is next.
  14. I asked him if they were going to get the helmet DOT certified ? they said that they had no intention of doing that, it was only for extreme sport use I talked to a dealer the other day about a trials helmet he said technically several he sold actually arent dot certified anyone know which are and which arent?
  15. Seems like problems are inconsistant I guess we dont ride as much as some yet we ride every weekend untill this stupid ice storm and cod weather has shut us down for 5 weeks now and we ususally ride a couple nights a week in the summer but the only problem s i seem to have are something i did like lifting bike by mufler or adapting easy pull clutch spring on older bikes. never had any peg problems had a kickstarter brake on an 03 but since then that problem seems to be fixed. broke an outside shift timing spring $14 and a easy fix water pump seals on 3 year old bike cost only $36 Ive spent more on tires than bike parts and i we ride our tires down pretty far. fork seals on the old 38mm forks but not at all on the 40s. havent had any leaky tank problems either. Maybee ive been fortanute enough to get wednesday bikes not monday or friday bikes.
  16. I agree with you on that issue, but the point I was trying to make is that there's no excuse for problems to continue into the next years model I find the quality and whats fixed on the next model far superior to the farm machinery i deal with everyday. If trials manufacturers were like farm machinery manufacturers that would have each sub manufacturer (ajp, ohlins, betor ect.) change a few little things in there design monopolize the parts to it and raise the price 4 times, For the most part ive found the next years model adressed the problems with the last years model. I have a case skid loader thats pretty dpendable but for 8 years they drove a #80 chain with a #60 chain that keeps breaking. I wonder if the triasls manufactures make any money but i guess they do or they wouldnt stay in business unless they have a lot of money to begin with and are working just to prove what they can build. which may be the case with Honda/Montesa. I saw a link to Scorpa stock 2 years ago if i remember corectly it was at $7 know around $3 or $4.
  17. I watched it again. Anyone got any insight on this event as to what type of race it is called and if anything like it is going on today?? I wonder if something like this event could make television in the U.S.
  18. good videoe the event very interesting I have a few questions has anybody figured out the format of the event. no penaltys for dabbing??? Its not exactly trials as we know it what was the event called as far as a sport It was a yearly event? When was the last year. good videoe the event very interesting I have a few questions has anybody figured out the format of the event. no penaltys for dabbing??? Its not exactly trials as we know it what was the event called as far as a sport It was a yearly event? When was the last year.
  19. brian sameway here maybe more like cannon shots the worst anyone can remember a few people a t of people broke all the new fangled labor saving devices we got here that we didnt have when we are kids dont work without electricity yeah i got the amigo stuff have 2 amigos running good. planning on making to both the youth national and June national hope to see ya there
  20. while you guys got cold in california global warming hit us in missouri what should have been 2 foot of snow ended up being 4 inches of ice breaking 40% of the power poles weve been without real power for a week and probly have another wwek to go;. I had to buy a new generator for my farm cost about the same as a new montesa. and it burns 100 gallons of diesel a day instead of 1 gal of premix. All the sections we ride will be covered with limbs and trees should have no excuse when it comes to logs anymore
  21. what is the correct date for tn and oh
  22. sounds like good advice It might make sense to at least ride a national before i comment too much. I was thinking myself about if he had the opertunity to ride a 125 just to see what it is like it would be good as he went from a beta 80 to a 200 before the 280. If he really struggled on the 125 he would apprcieate the riders on 125s more. when he rides good his head gets a little big when he rides not so good he gets more determined. in saying that it kinda makes a point for the 125.
  23. Hi Brian snowed in more like iced in no riding for last 10 days and probly not for another week. been spinding time pulling calves out of snow and arguing about future 125 classes looks like im outnumbered on 125 issue. . Bet you wished you were back in new york on the farm right now.
  24. mich sorry somehow i mistakenly got the idea you were for a 125s only high school class and 125s only youth class. glad to see your not. The stage should be set for great nationals especially with other riders joing como in the 125 expert. How about leaving the classes the same the next few years and see what happeneds. As far as the pro class reckon i could ride it im the probly the poorest rider on the forum I could just punch 5s and have the best seat in the house. I would probly cause bottlenecks on the loops and the sections btw in this new Rocky movie does he win the fight or just lay down and take a 10 count. Sorry mich i couldnt resist that next year well have to visit at the youth nationals and see if we cant find some subject we agree on but if we do i aint going to kiss you
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