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Everything posted by hensley
  1. what a decision there is no way that i can be gone for home for 3to 4 weeks take Homer to RI stay for NY then spend another week iat ttc for the gitrls then leave homer for the camp. With the first schedule we could have went to rhod island stopped by tenneseee and went to colorado later. No one takes into consideration what anyone can afford were to concerned about whether are kids might have to ride a few days in a row and get tired. Then we wonder why the sport dosent grow Right now im in the mind to just skip them all
  2. That first schedule sure was a teaser what a let down it was a schedule that we would have rode 6 or 8 of the10 rounds now only 2 rounds and more local regionals. it actualy was where a good rider with limited reasources could still compete. As a Midwesterner we could have competed in the series putting R.I and ttc together or riding ttc and colorado each along with oklahoma of course. I guess if most riders dont have the time and money to travel that extensive it sure eliminates the competion for those who do. There are very few kids who would whine about ridng 7 of 9 days.
  3. Its hard to please everybody For me its one of the best schedules yet. As far as riding 7 of 9 days for me thats one of the best parts kids dont wear out like the old folks. Nationals are for good riders It would work better for me if they could squeeze west coast YN in between Donner and Colorado the same way.
  4. Just Curious if anyone is going to ride at Columbus. Homer and Marvin are planning to just wondering if anyone else is planning on going. They had only 2 riders at south carolina. They have lowered the entry fee to $50 and trials inc has a trial within a hour the next day.
  5. South Carolina Endurocross results. congrats to Taddy first Geoff Aaron 2nd Colton Haaker 5th. Sure looks like there would be more crosstraining going on.
  6. I dont know if any of the MATT members are active on this forum so I thought Id put a plug in for them about the Quarry Cup Sep19-20 Great event good Hospitality excellent feed Saturday night. Should be somewhere between 60-100 riders definatly worth traveling a few miles to get there. It also the longest running trials event in the U.S. now 36 years without missing a year.
  7. Im Curious why there are no results is it just me or why is so much effort put into many events and then days weeks go buy with no results
  8. Sorry about forgetting Phil . his hot lap times were right at the top quite a bit better than Pat if i remember right.. I think if the track wasnt so open and big we could of had 5 riders in the top 8 and maybe Ronie also joining them. Ronnie I think actualy crashed more often than Homer and Ronnie had the misfortune of having to go first on the hot laps before the track was broken in good. Another rider i didnt mention was Josh Nutsch he beat Homer in the trials cross and did it on a 125. It would be nice to make it to another Endurocross South Carolinas is out and Denver is also out but Ohio a maybe 610 miles still thinking about i heard all the tracks were going to be tighter from now on. Anyone out there planning on riding Ohio trialscross???
  9. . Im minding to haul water spectate help if the rider or his bike is injured and donate $40 per day plus additional land use fees if required. Im one of the slowest minders on the loop but I can hear a bike comming up on me and get off the loop before he ever has to slow down.
  10. however No gate fee at mwta and awesome sections other than maybe the mud hole?????
  11. As stated in my original post ithere is a good chance it wont get bigger (however with a little effort it just might) and it wont die out for the exact reasons stated above if it gets down to 1 man and a bike and some terrain its still a lot of fun. For 2 or 3 years ive been posting trials videos and some other links and items of intrest on the local enduro forum. Its helping a bit but progress is still slow. As Alan Bechard stated a while back the guys taht already have boots and a helmet seem like a good target btw whats Alan up too its guys like Alan that really help the sport
  12. I think its the initial shock of a $7000 bike. I think all of us would agree if a harescrable or mx rider converted to trials they would save money at the end of the day the Mrs would be happy however she might have your bags packed when in the begining when $7000 was spent for a skinny litttle funny lookong bike arrived . 3 or 4 years ago i crunched some nubers and figured if i rode every weekend (4-5 hrs with friends some clearing and watching others ride 1 maybe sometimes 2 tanks of fuel) that it would cost $15 per week (10 yr old bike) $25 per week (0new bike) this was just bike cost and im not sure how acurate my figures are but looking at it from the $15 to $25 per week seems like good cheap fun. Ive noticed there seems to be real good demand for $2000 to $2500 used bike. One problem i can see is that if more new bikes arent sold the old ones will wear out. Im still amazed at New Mexico i looked on their website looked like at the last club event they had like a dozen junior 10 beginer and 16 novice (lloks like they are in a 1970s time warp). Is there anyone on the forum that is part of or familular with the New Mexico club.
  13. As a newcomer to the sport 6 years ago I had this idea that with the computer age and trials forums that trials was going to get a shot in the arm as the rest of the country learned of the sport and grow. There was a lot of talk Michlin, Alan B and others cussed and discussed the best plan to grow the sport and even if the sport needed to grow. Many said Trials is what it is it wont grow and it wont die at the time and didnt necessarly agree with that statement but im starting to come around. Here is the problem from where i live (sw missouri) there is/was 5 clubs within 300 miles the avg attendence for a club event is as roughly as follows club #1) 25 riders 3 under 18 club#2)30-35 5 or so under18 club#3)25 1 under 18 club #4 around a dozen 0 under 18 club#5) 5 riders 0 under 18 now defunct ??? at least no events. I got up in the middle of the night last night and got on the natc site and spent a half an hour looking at numbers here is what i found # of riders at us nationals pro exp total 09 ny 5 11 90 09vt 5 9 83 09 tn 8 7 101 09ne 8 8 101 08co 8 16 109 08mn 7 12 94 06 az 7 13 123 06 ok 8 10 108 06 tn 10 9 152 06 8 12 137 06 8 12 108 2000 rd2 11 11 124 2000 rd4 8 10 108 2000 rd6 10 9 152 2000rd8 8 12 137 2000rd10 8 12 108 So attendence at the nationals has dropped in the last decade does that mean trials is dropping nation wide or just the desire to participate in a national is dropping. One interesting point i found from talking with a member of the New Mexico club they had 107 riders at their last club meet (yes Club meet) with several youth riders and one of their problems at the last meet was bottlenecks even with a am/pm format. I dont know what they are doing down there but it seems to be working. Anyone have any ideas??
  14. So Will did get third they just need to correct the board. How do the year end awards work Did they do year end awards after the last event or do they just mail it??
  15. I feel Will may be the most underated of all the pro riders. Tough break sounds like it could be worse but a lot of pain and healing ahead. I hope the best speedy recovery Maybe I ought to start another thread as I noticed he dropped to 4th overall because of the DNF. Im just curious what would be the downside to giving last place points to injured dnf riders. If Pat would have DNFed the last day he would have lost to Cody by 1 point after winning all year.
  16. What happened to the natc result page? They had been on time all year.
  17. I was most impressed with first day Nebraska. After visiting with his dad i was surprised it was only his second national and to turn in a day score of 1. Besides being a good rider he must have nerves of steel. I didnt understand why the Jr class instead of High School I wonder what he will ride next yr HS or expert. Is he on a 125 or full size???
  18. Ive got an 02 200 pro in need of rings cant find them anywhere in U.S. anyone know of a set
  19. hensley

    Fan Problem

    Ive got a fan on an 02 gas gas 200 that has a dead spot when i hook a 12volt battery toit it works 80% of the time any remedy i can try before i shell $100 plus on a new fan.
  20. anyone know which sections es rode expert and wich were support
  21. hensley


    Great Event, Great Loop , Great Sections, Good Facillities and No Land Use Fee thanks MWTA
  22. hensley


    84 degrees 0 % chance of rain Nice quarry with some wooded hilly area. Just curious how many entries so far and whos going You sure wouldn't know it by this forum but iis it just me or is intrest in trials growing a bit.
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