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Everything posted by hensley
  1. We had a blast at the Sooner Cup last year also had a blast at the Midland 2 day last year this year they are on the same day and Homer icurrently has the chicken pox I hope he gets better in next 2 days
  2. Between the 2 list I've ridden with 7or 8 in the last year most all much better riders than me. What a unique sport it is. About a year ago i asked one of our local SW Missouri guys (who's name appears on both list) If he rode better now or 35 years ago. He said about the same that he had gotten older but the bikes had gotten so much better. The shape some of these guys are in and the progress of the bikes are amazing. Wonder what life would be like if they made a basketball that would enable you to preform on the court as well as you did 35 years ago
  3. On August 14, 2008, Congress enacted the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
  4. As a trials rider and a dairy farmer its a double win for me. Trials bikes in some imported cheese out (dairy price roller coaster is as low as its been in over 20 years i doubt if it helps much) Reckon law makers propose absolute stupid idiotic ideas in order to make the obvious idea look brilliant when they pass it. Ive got one how about we convince them to buy our hormone beef by giving everyone who buys a under 500cc EU bike a 50% government rebate check.
  5. Land Issues are important but im setting here with all kind of land available and hardly any riders to ride it. The way i see it the problem is where they allow trials bikes they think they have to allow 4 wheelers.We have a natural forest of 12000 acres near us that 4 wheelers have rutted up causing major errosion. The idiots on 4 wheelers are just as much of a problem as the idiot tree huggers. I doubt if the tarrif goes anywhere and as a farmer i feel the Eu does need to be punished but not with a trials bike tarrif with a mercedes volvo tarrif. o On a positive note about trials after having 3 bikes for sale ever since the economic meltdown I went 2 or 3 months not one call and knew of 2 or 3 other bikes in the area for sale with no activity then all at once 2 of my bikes sold 2 other bikes sold and ive gotten 3 calls in last 2 days and tommorow night the wind chill is suppose to be 15 below hard to figure
  6. Its really dead here on the forum and especially dead in my area. Feel like im the last one left in Sw Missouri but I'm not ready to turn the lights off. Ive been trying to stir up some new riders mainly thru local woods and Enduro guys. Maybe the poll should have stated what would best get people involved in trials. My personal story I read about trials bikes in dirt bike magazines in the 70s bought a used one at a local dealer was introduced to the sport events by a co worker rode one year set out 25 years went back i guess reliving my youth and have ridden 5 years since
  7. dabs theres a couple of riders at Halfway Mo if you want to stop coming or going
  8. Paul Way back when i was about 13 i had a friend who had a Harley Rapidio 125 he tried to ride it off a hay wagon with bad results another had a Bridgestone 100 he was pretty rough on. Im just wondering if they got put in a box and shipped to Georgia or where ever you were at the time. The Rapidio guy would after putting the tank on reserve fill it up with gas put premix in his gas cap dump it in work the forks to mix it up.
  9. I figured there would be more nones than they are in 1976 i traded a beat up RM125 for a Ossa 250 MAR and have only owned trials bikes since with no desire for any other bikes my list 3hp mini bike Honda 50 street (a 50 that would run 50 down a gravel road) cost $85 Honda 90 trail Hodaka Wombat 125 Suzuki RM125 (1st ones out very fast for then) Penton 175 Jackpiner Ossa 250 MAR Bultaco 350 Sherpa T 26 year layoff that included SWM 320 i rode it maybe 5 hrs total 86 Yamaha ty350 rode it maybe 10 hrs total 97 Montesa Cota 315R (fell in love with trials after experiencing modern bike) 01 sherco2.9 03 sherco 2.9 04 gas gas300 pro 06 gas gas 280 pro
  10. I think the reduction in entry fee the 2 extra locations( making it closer to get to at least one national) helps also $1.98 gas helps if it stays there. The problem is with this recession or whatever it is im not making any money but thats beside the point. If natc gets 60% then 100 riders x 8 events x$45 natc cut=$36000 where does this money go i figure trophies tdn team??? or trials promotions ??? or something if its a good cause then a $45 donation is reasonable Maybe the natc needs to advertize where this money goes and what good causes it promotes.
  11. thanks for the results im looking forward to flint hills event
  12. Thanks Ron Looks like if we load up as soon as the loop is finished it will work. Ill have xtra dinner tickets . Il need to improve just a bit and ride in the afternoon something to work on next year.
  13. I wasnt planning on going to Oklahoma as we had other commitments but if i manage my time drive fast i think Homer and I can squeeze Saterday in. but i kinda need to know start times I figured a flyer would be somewhere or a number i can call???????
  14. Is there a flyer on Octobertest. Im limited on time and need to know start times for am and pm also rookie cadet format also are any pros coming.
  15. Ron i havent found a flyer on Octobertest and need to know start times info on cadet class. Is there a Pro Class this year?
  16. any chance t Octobertest will be like texas or same ole 1 2 3 pts on the day wins the sr. amatuer sr expert.
  17. I wished we ld have made it, Looking at the scores it looks like a great trial where you can make a mistake without it dropping you 3-4 places.
  18. any news on the octobertest how big a purse? whos coming?
  19. I agree all the central regionals are great i counted 90 entries in last years event with 16 in the expert. Come on down for some southern hospitality and a great time.
  20. The Central regionals starts this weekend with the 35th annual Quarry Cup at Trenton Mo. I have heard that it is the longest existing 2 day in the U.S. 35 yrs straight without a miss Does anyone know any different? Ive attended in 1978 2005 2006 2007 and now 2008. A real good event and in what i think is a very nice a nice gesture they are giving a $25 per vehicle rebate to all out of towners. It doesnt cover all the extra gas cost but it helps, thanks MATT guys. This event in recent years has aways recieved rain but this year forecast is sunny and 20 percent. For Event Flyer click on http://www.matt-trials.com/
  21. Anyone know oil capcity for a 50 4sp and also an 80
  22. the results are supposed to be coming soon on the ttc website or at least that what it said on a July 8 post. They hjave a great formatted site that shows each sections score aqnd can be sorted 2 or 3 different ways i dont know if that site is down or what. To put on such a super event then not bother to post the results online or in trilas comp makes no sense to me.
  23. Ok you cant be serious you must be rattling my cage. Your goverment cant distinguish between a crotch rocket and a trials bike and you think it is a good thing This is exactly what im talking about Explain Further why you would want to force everyone to ride a 125. I know of a few locals just getting into the sport where the father and son are sharing a full size bike. In remote areas of the US good non trashed 125s arent available and can be hard to sell when your done with them. I have no desire to dictate what some one else rides and cant understand why someone would dictate what i ride. And if im sticking my nose into what someone else rides then someone ignorant of the sport will ban it all together Some of us out there still ride for fun.
  24. I hate to open this can of worms but this is what i expected to happen it was just a matter of time The current thinking with 99%of the people in our trials community out there is that our youth riding 125s will help our youth catch up to the Eropeans does that mean being forced to drop back to 80s will make us pass them???? This is the exact reason ive been against forcing kids to ride 125s (hasnt happened yet but talked about) How could we have complained about legislation like this if we had adopted a 125s only youth class. Then again maybe this legislation is what some want in our sport if so whats the next law bicycles untill age 14???? Dont get me wrong i have nothing against rhe 125s and with almost everyone going to the 125 it may the best way to go?????? I just feel there ought to be a choice and so far that choice has remained. Those if any who would like to see the youth nationals a 125 only event to me will help fuel the fire out there of the crackpots who would like to ban youths on trials bikes altogether.
  25. I hope neott sends rlracer the 3 3days with 6 counts sounds good to me also. The guys that i was talking about not liking the 3 days can always ride 2 and go home. Maybee i should object to the fees How much of the entry fee does each club get they do a lot of work and what other good causes does the rest of the fee go to. .
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