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Everything posted by hensley
  1. I forgot to mention on all all our new riders the most impressive were the 2 i met at the national forest last weekend. They were on Gas Gas 50s one was 6 one was 9 they rode i bet 10 miles of chadwick trails the 6 year old fell at least 20 times and never complained. The 6 year olds dad was on the ISDE team a few years back so watch out we may have some big talent on the way
  2. 1.00 EUR = 1.54189 USD Our Current Economy aint good. I hear people arguing whether gas will be $4 or $5 per gallon by summer. Our governments solution is to borrow $2000 from China give it to me so i can send it to Spain for a new trials bike or parts. If the Xispa becomes successful who knows maybe i can return it to China. Michelin would probably think thats a good idea but i dont think it will work I dont think trials can be killed if things get too bad for me i can ride a 10 yr old bike and stay at home and it will be about the cheapest form of entertainment there is. But what about all the luxauries were used to world round, nationals, trips to the ttc ect. Seems like we are going to need a bigger base of riders to support events as many finances may cause them to opt to stay home. Any one got any ideas. Importer direct sales may be a good idea maybe not, it at least gets us talking, more regional events maybe another good idea. The Sooner cup with TV ads i sure hope that works and i personally think it will I personally have seen the number of trials bike in my area triple in the last 5 years from 20 to maybe 60 riders However they are almost all laid back and wont leave the Ozark hills to ride an event. as far as that goes or even have an event here in the Ozarks it still helps with bike sales . Almost all of this growth is former Enduro riders and has come from one used bike dealer promoting the sport, recent success in the Endurocross and LMS causing Enduro riders to want to tune up their skills. I have been trying to do my part by getting the local enduro club to put a trials segment in their forum. Unfortunatly with my grammar and verbal skills I find myself talking only to myself on this forum with an occasional enduro rider joining in however they seem to love videos i post and i have helped a few get started and converted to trials. I really think if a few on this forum wood start posting in local enduro forums in their own area plus ktmtalk and thumpertalk have trials segments we might get enough new riders to weather this economic storm.
  3. Good topic great to see trials actually being discussed again my 2 cents $7000 bikes sure are alarming it has already been mentioned what a good buy they are for a fine piece of machinery unlike most other motorsports you dont have to have a new one to compete. In my area id say most trade on a average of every 3 years some areas may be more often but its about the only motorsport in which you can go 3 yrs without a major overhaul It was mentioned in 2001 a new bike was 5000 5000-2500(3 year old bike)=2500/3= $833 per yar 7000-3500(3 year old bike)=3500/3=$1166 1166-833= $333 per which is about the same as it cost extra to enter in 6 nationals $600 vrs $300 in 2001 i know parts are up also but not near the cost of fuel to get to the event Since 2001 gas is 3 times higher all food items at the grocery store 2 times higher and most everything else has close to doubled yet trials went up only 40% In 2001 we had a robust economy in which the government had a surplus now a record deficit and a sucking economy but that is a matter for a different forum than trials forum As mentioned already it looks like this crunch could be good for trials. It sure seems rational that a person would tire from buying a $8000 ktm buying some aftemarket parts and scattering its parts across the woods with maybe an emergency room visit or at least missing a day or 2 of work you would think they would convert to trials. I just cant for the life of me get it through my thick scull why they are not converting to trials maybe the key word is rational I guess we dont ride dirt bikes to be viewed as rational.
  4. hensley

    Sooner Cup

    Im curious will the lower level and upper level classes be riding the same loop /sections or will they be seperate?
  5. Im sure sales are down in 08 and the economy is bad but not so sure the future of trials is so bleak. I dont know about the rest of the country but in my local area used trials bikes are selling like hot cakes Thanks to Geoff and Taddys recent success in endurocross and lms woods riders are flocking to trials bikes. Im sure this will eventualy generate some new sales Plus if this econony is making it tough to ride a trials bike just think of the hardship mx and enduro riders have which may be the break trials needs.
  6. hensley

    Sooner Cup

    How many classes? Will their be a beginer class?
  7. Ive got a brand new michelin rear with a hole in the sidewall. 4 tubeless plugs lets it hold air but it looses air when tire flexes. Is it junk or can it be vulcanized or patched on the inside??
  8. hensley

    Sooner Cup

    I bet a lot. Here in southwest mo we dont even have a real club and at least a half dozen are coming it wouldnt surprise me if there were as many as 15. With the price, distance, scheduling and advance notice requirements of the nationals most of the guys from here this year are saying no nationals but i think we will go to tish. If the weather down there next month is anything like the weather up here this month there might be some no shows.
  9. hensley

    Sooner Cup

    I got my motel reservation and cant wait for sooner cup March 15-16 anyone got an idea what pro riders will be competing for $5000.
  10. Not me I know what your talking about
  11. I ran across this link for updates of the LMS http://www.moto-tally.com/rblms/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=1 A few trials riders and former trials riders entered Friday Quailifiers Haaker 8th only 4 secs off Taddys 3rd anyone know what haaker is riding?
  12. hensley

    Gg Foursmoke

    You know ive been kinda bummed out that the trials comp forum is gone and that there is so little activity on this tc usa site. I really thought these forums could help grow the sport a bit but then there are those who try to tear one make of bike down. . All 5 makes are good, The one that happens to be talked about at this time happens to be the most popular bike in the USA. I find it strange that if they break down so much why do they sell so many. If i was a newcomer reading this forum id think trials bikes arent very reliable which just isnt the case.
  13. cope have you got any kansas pics???
  14. I noticed All 8 rounds of the Central Regional results are up including final standings on the AVTA website click on http://www.avtatrials.com/index.html What a great series my personal favorite was Flint Hills Kansas maybe because id never been there before. All 4 events were fantastic and i want to thank every individual involved.
  15. great idea 3 trips instead of 5 that was made last year only 1 less event 9 versus 10 last year and the exact same amount of trips as this year to qualify 2 yet 3 more events to ride if wanted. that is I suppose the best 6 of 9 right????
  16. Thanks ron i didnt see the latest info on the natc site. If jr class is 10-17 whats the high school or is it gone? If i got it right i can enter a month ahead at $100 and run a risk of about 50% of throwing my money away because my schedules get changed or i can just wait till last minute and pay $200. $200x 3 days plus 100x3 days minder in is $900 entry fee for i 3 day event. only $450 if i gamble and commit 1 month in advance. do you have to ride all 6 or will just 3 do it? Ive got one more question does anyone else have to work for a living????
  17. Any more news from the meeting? Do you have ride all 6 or will only 3 count? Are they looking for or accepting another entry for schedule or is this it. Any rule changes, new classes? Is the new entry fee really $100? if so will it make a difference with $4 gas we will probably see next summer?
  18. if everyboby rides in the morning looks like it would be a trick to come up with enough checkers. ive been told by at least a dozen different people you have to go to tish. With all this planning in advance the great riding area and pro class there ought to be a big turnout The Colorado event is over memorial day weekend Monday
  19. Sounds like an event to add to my 08 calender I noticed all riders ride 8 to 12 30 no am-pm format will it be group scoring???
  20. very true but also i dont know of any other sport where i can stay at home have 2 or 3 friends over go out trim 3 or 4 sections and have a blast and spend nothing other than a gallon of fuel and whatever breaks. What a great sport
  21. lets see $300 enry fee $150??? mider entry fee 1600 miles x 30cents mi -$480 $60-$100 land use fees thats $1000 for 1 rider and 1 minder 3 day event if we camp and $1200 if we use a motel. common sense says skip 1 or both nationals and trade for a new bike before euro goes up more. common sense doesnt always win. regionals have been a lot of fun though and we may stay closer to home I may get chewed on for being an internet rider asking stupid questions but im inclined to ask a question about natc here it goes im not being critical just ignorant of facts does the club hosting get only 1/2 of the fees if so what does the other half go toward
  22. 3 day events sounds good to me. i see no mention of a ttc national with the world round
  23. any results on 08 schedule???????
  24. Mr Observer who are you or better yet who do you think you are i went back thru your post to figure who you might be and ran across this post Huh seems like you doing the same what a hypocrit and worse yet in this case the remark is unfounded You have offended another of the STOOGES
  25. I also hate to see it go. I may be the only one and i could be wrong but i think forums for the most part grow the sport. Seems like if the high euro price and lack of profits are cutting down on advertizing that the forum would be one of the last thing to go.
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