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Everything posted by hensley
  1. hey steve i heard josh won his class saterday and you were toward the top congrats to Josh seems like hes getting more consitant each time i see him ride I havent seen any results how did you all do Sunday
  2. Ive heard $4300 list price compared to $7000 for theother makes and The euro is still climbing.
  3. hensley


    well put mark what a unique sport it is. I suspected the tattoo and figured Alan Bechard for one too. btw Whens alan going to get that house done and get back to goofing off on this forum Looks to me like xispa if they get an importer would get aome demo bikes here. and get some quick hours if they do and they hold up they will sell. If they dont hold up them production wont even get started.
  4. hensley


    Seriously there is a reputable man in texas with 13 kids if the new importer would send one down there let the 4 boys put 3 hrs a piece per day on it for 3 weeks that would be 2400 hrs which is more than an average bike is ridden in 10 years. Document the time spent and the parts and we would all know whether there any good or not. My vote is the first one that comes over goes to Les.
  5. ive sucessfully used a can of fix a flat easy fix. had questions on air guage get gummed up but didnt seem to be a problem
  6. hensley

    Another Xispa

    Cant quite figure it out? If gas gas is so bad and has realibility problems then why year after year the suport line at the nationals (the line that is not factory sponsered) is dominated by gas gas(count them). I guess when you make a bike that is lighter snappier and handles better then you have to find somethg about it to bad mouth. Seriously i have no problems with any of my gassers and could have spent more on plastic alone on my other bikes than i have on my gassers total.
  7. hensley


    Why did he quit scorpa?
  8. hensley


    With many people the expectations of this bike is pretty low. If it preforms half decent it will exceed manys expectations and will give it a boost. Sherco and all the other makes seem reliable to me if they do a decent job of coping it whether anyone likes it or not it will probly be reliable. Depending on who the importer is and how sales and parts are structured. Who will import it all our existing importers are one make importers except ryp. Will one of the currents pick it up orIs there someone else out there who can equal the standards that the fine group of importers we have in the US have?
  9. hensley


    Im curious where is the little 50 xispa made? also are parts still available.
  10. hensley


    zooming in on the tires i cant tell what brand they are if they are vrubber brand id say there is a chance its a cope-xispa
  11. trials inc sure gets the results posted fast. Harker is a good rider and only 12 years old
  12. good to see the results. my next question? anyone where are the usual pictures from tennesee event. website still has 2006 up
  13. That might be oversstating it Tucker wasnt able to ride all events he and ray were only in 3 events together they tied once (ray winning on cleans,) The other 2 they split. Unless sevceral good young riders jump all the way to pro class sandbagging wont be an issue next year
  14. hensley


    So does that make Cody still a gas gas rider even if on a sherco or is the status only good for a year?
  15. Todays results smage 5 webb 30 larieche 37 ibsen 37 florin 47 wineland 49 haaker 119 morris exc 3 wow pat didnt have to do anything much today but ended the season the way he started with a comanding win cody came out #2 and cris #3 Glad to see bruce on the podium again befor going home. Ibsen would get my vote for most improved rider tucker won the expert class with only 12 pts edging out ray peters. tucker might be a big suprise to some as early as next year
  16. Mark Id better stick with the gasser thats all there is in sw mo. Last big ride at the national forest 22 bikes all gas gas. Last event we went to at kc 31 bikes all gas gas. As far as the 125 issue the ryp juniors are riding full size scorpas and doing quite well. These 2 lads and their dads seem serious and not on 125s imagine that. Ive notice they both seem to do better and better each event.
  17. Deja vu Positions 1-6 same as last Sunday
  18. Chris Dont get me wrong i think its great California has a youth trial If Texas had one i would go to it. The only part that im against is getting the ama to recognize it as a national event. Josiah Mizell will be co winner with one of 2 riders who rode the last day in california.p I still dont understand why those in the running the last day chose not to ride. Population wise tennesee is the middle of the country so its kinda like Central and far west. On a positive note i am sue glad youth from California make the trip to Tewnnesee each year without them it would not be the same. My hat is off to both California and Texas youth groups if each state/club could put forth just half the effort of these to groups just think of what it would do for youth trials and trials in general down the road.
  19. What is wrong with the trials training center. I think its great that a youth trial is being held in california. but to take 1/2 of the ama recoginition away from the ttc event for an event that had 12 riders the first day 9 the second is located 3000 miles away for some riders and in years past and maybee this year doesnt post results. the schedule changed 3 times. first on monday tues wed then thurs fri monday then thur fri. Why would texas riders make the trip when they could have there own trial in Texas with more riders (13 attened the tn event)and they would not have to take anything away from the tennesee youth nationals.
  20. i hate to say it but maybe mich was right when he said riders need to be able to ride 6 of 10. Next week if pat gets hurt on the first day and dnfs both days good bye championship if he was to punch 5s like mich did then he still wins. Im sure he will try to win but then again why risk an injury and a chmpionship.
  21. thanks chris thats more redults than years past. Reckon the fact that the event isnt important enough to post results might be part of the reason its not well attended for us and i guess the texas riders its 1600-1700 miles i know that not as many miles as calif to tenn. but still hard to afford I find it strange several good riders didnt ride the 2nd day. was that to rest for the nationals the junior line which is real simiular to 13 yr old class is so competitive 1 kid might win one day finish 7th the next.
  22. codys been right up there all year. Its not like a rider that domminated and no one was near him all of the sudden did poorly for no reason
  23. Im wondering if there are any results. I never found any last year am i looking at the wrong place.
  24. les sounds like david has a good idea maybe next summer we will take you up on your offer abd extend the favor to our place we are hoping to make texas central regional always some good youth riders there
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