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Everything posted by hensley
  1. Is there no connection near Donner?
  2. There you go brian send Jordan up on a bus ive got 3 extra bikes at the moment. Les could send his polite ,well behaved boys out. They could tear up a lot on a bike but at least they can fix what they break.
  3. i was a little suprized the result page says east coast youth nationals not just youth nationals i counted 12 entries from east coast 48 from middle to mid east america and only 7 from west coast. West coast nationals turnout should be better this year with nats coupled with it would love to go but 1700 miles $3 gas 60 hrs driving too much for me. makes me apriciate the effort made to tennesee by both coast but then again if the ttc was 1700 mikes from me id just have to figure a way its that good.
  4. nice site Ive never saw any results posted on that other youth national any chance of getting them this year? i noticed only 4-5 line 0 riders graduating this year could be 7-8 new 0 riders next year. Lots of Texas riders with very good scores hope to get to see them in central regionals.
  5. Brian v6 ididnt see you either. Couple more thoughts on the YN. Homer had school with Bruce Lerieche for 3 days and mentioned several times how much he liked Bruce I noticed he was pulling for him in the indoor. Homer said Bruce told him its his last year. Bruce like David Chavez has represented his country well and will leave a lasting impression on our youth. Another thought is the girls, My daughter who decided a week before the event that she would try riding a trials bike. Got to see a couple good line 1 riders the Carolines. Caroline Altman is fierce and determined and her score humbled many a boy including mine at least once. And after visiting with Caroline Allens mother finding out that she didnt start riding till she was 11 and rode a national when she was 14 is very incouraging (since i have an 11 year old starting) and their were lots of other girl riders scattered thru the classes. My daughter Katy i think is bitten with the trials bug and should be interesting she a very determined girl . Whats great about that is Dad for at least a short moment in time can teach i am sure if Katys serious it will be brief. As far as the Line 1 riders seemed like a good bunch of boys. they ride good but if they get too pumped up about how well they ride they need to remember theres a couple of riders out west that werent there and they have been beating them and on 125s at that. It will be interesting to see how this week prepared them for the rest of the nationals in the jr class. I liked the new format which made the classes a little bigger and also provided an outlet for a new rider to join in up. Enough rambling by me im ready to hear from some of the rest of you are you guys home yet
  6. got in at 3 am. Bo rode very consistant sunday all loop scores about the same homer missed a gate on a section he cleaned 3 times earlier or he would have been off first by1 point and 2nd overall. The scoring system may of helped my daughter 6th-3rd -1st = 3rd overall. both of them together went through almost 15 gal of gas no parts lots of smiles no frowns except katy on friday when her idiot dad let her ride the 200. Glad i was able to stay the week cant wait till next year. As far as growing Homer surely gets his balance from his mama so if he gets his size from her he might remain small.
  7. It was great line 1 seemed perfect great event great week, great indoor, good meeting new and old friends. still tying to figure how third place 3 days in a row with the third lowest points equals 4th but it clearly does. Glad to see turn out was good with several new faces.
  8. Im from the states i just saw a gas gas cadet 80. Looking for a bike for my 11 yr old daughter how do the compare to beta 80. the one i saw had vrubber brand 17-19s how are they
  9. Good thing you do, The only event ive been to in texas was at red river last september 96 degrees. It would not have been too bad but we had already gotten used to cooler tempetures back home I got asked at least a half dozen times on the loop if i was ok came close to getting my first dnf. Hopefully Pat will have all summer to get aclumated to the heat, Im a little biased toward farm boys but most of them are tough andcan handle the heat even the northern ones.
  10. wasnt bitchin just wondering why ? Which none of the other keyboard riders or keyboard importer have answered yet. Like i said the nationals is new to me and mostly off limits because it is almost impossible to know one month in advance whether we can attend.
  11. I was simply stating how well Tucker rode and how young he was younger than the the 125 expert riders. I thought the fact that he tied Ray Peters was quite a feat. Seems like theres a little bitterness there are we not suppose to even mention young riders unless they are on a 125 now. no one says much about Tucker. He won the high school class last year i think at the youngest age ever. Ties Ray Peters loses on cleans in expert Im not sure isnt he 13 or 14 years old?. He wasnt on a 125and i wasnt there how many points would a 125 cost him ,I see that Josiah Mizzell had 70 pts his twin brother Caleb had 93 on a 125. .The Pro class should get even more interesting in 2-3 yrs. maybe sooner,
  12. steve hes doing better xrays came back nothing broke wrist and hand still swelled a lot have no idea whether it will heal in 2 weeks not going to rush it, guess well make the trip anyway. This is his first trials injury so weve been pretty fortunate to date however hes had several non trials injurys (stupid tricks) over the years. Are you planning on the YN? were going to try the week camp this year. I was on your club website a while back and saw where Josh won the intermediate class.
  13. What about Bailey Tucker tying Peters the first day. I know its his home territory, just how old is he. I think hes younger than all the 125 experts except Sandavol and 30 pts below them on the first day.
  14. ok if i understand it correct we get $40 of our $170 back. I'm speaking ahead, the results of saturdays x-ray won't be in 'till tuesday (kinda slow like natc results) Now there are 5 of us going together if we all 5 cancel we're out $360 so we will probably go. i guess homer could ride and punch 5s like Lane and have the best seat as far as spectators go (not a good idea). I can see how there needs to be strict limits in pro class but isn't the support class just for fun. I tried to find someone to share colorado trip with had a couple of guys but by the time they were sure they could go it would cost the four of us an extra $320. I understand the pre entrys been there for decades, i'm just curious why is it there
  15. thanks i never thought about tring to bring Sunday up Looks like attendence at least support linesdown a small bit. Im curious about 125 expert and high school
  16. well put, while im interested in who wins raga or bou, but im more interested in the U.S. nationals which looked like it might be quite a battle with Pat winning both days maybe not. I would have loved to been there if i would have known a month ago that i could make it i would have signed up. For those who are unable to attend and see first hand some results would be nice. How can we complain about the lack of recoginition by the ama, television, magazines ect. If the winners of a nationals are not recognized by ourselves in a timely matter.
  17. Now when i go to the results page my computer locks up is it me or the page. as far as my other post Im new to nationals and learning. Does the number of trophies given vary with number of riders? Thanks for the report congrats to Pat again.
  18. ive attended central regional events that have more riders than some nationals andyou sign up on event day didnt have to have an ama card no bar pad on tapered bars either. didnt have to drive 600 miles Maybe when we finaly get to a national it will be worth it all.
  19. Anybody got any news about today, Hard to believe no one is interested enough to print something It sesure is discouraging that with todays technology you can find no results
  20. Im just wonderering i havent been around too long and we just entered in our first national (pre-entry $170) We are waiting on ex-ray results next tuesday but appears homer will have his left wrist in a cast and we will miss. While $170 is nothing compared to doctor bills. if the preentry was say 2 weeks or not at all we wouldnt be out $170 is it that important to know in advance the number of riders . Would we have more entries if the prentry wasnt so far in advance . A couple of riders from my area didnt think they could get off work so they didnt preenter for colorado they found out 2 weeks ago they could make it They went on a weekend street bike trip dont know if the extra entry fee made a difference in their decision I personaly dont know how busy my work will be a month ahead. anyone else in the same boat?
  21. thanks for a peak at the top 3. Was it close. Whats up with the natc site I looked for entries earlier in the week nothing there and now no results
  22. With the exciting wide open pro class this year i figured there would be something posted already
  23. Ive been using 390cc after draining a warm engine by laying it over on each side. I still havent done anything to fix the bike. Last night i decided i would ride it till it started creeping or my knee thats been acting up went out after about 40 minutes it started creeping. I put it in 3rd gear put my foot on the break and slipped the clutch 5 to 10 seconds it stopped creeping i rode another 10 minutes or so without it creeping then my knee got worse and i quit
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