Hi all , interesting observation, have a beta evo 200 2023 model , and bought new set of metric ring spanners and discovered my imperial ring spanners are a tighter fit , I assumed it would all be metric but I could be wrong , any observations out there , regards
Hi all , have beta evo 200 ,23 model and need full length fork protectors , can't seem to find any , any ideas
Hello ,what engine/gearbox oil are most people using
I have a 2023 beta evo , manual says 10w 30
Hi all , are unable to find after market clutch and brake levers for 2023 beta evo , supposedly they changed the master cylinder from 2023 on, stock ones are break not bend and are die-cast, tried overseas and still no luck, any ideas
Thanks for the info , what's really needed is how many turns to set the rear shock to standard setting on preload , also it states that you can have up to 10 turns for front fork preload in the manual but it is only possible to get 7 full turns
Hello to all ,,a newbie to suspension setup
Need some basic advice for suspension setup ,,from the shop front fork damping was fully wound out 32 clicks ,i wound all the way in then backed it out 10 clicks as a starting point ,opinions about this
Front preload ,was all the way out ,wound it 7 full turns in then backed out 3 full turns,
And havent touched the rear yet but what would be a good starting point
Would appreciate any advice ,regards steve
Hello again and thank you all for your replies
Okay firstly it's takes a bit getting used to riding with one finger always on the clutch lever which means I tend to crush the remaining
Fingers around the grip when pulling in on the lever , and wondering how much slippage I should have when clutch lever is fully pulled in and touching fingers on the grip
With most motorcycle you want no slippage with the clutch when fully released but with trials you are riding most times with slippage ,so should I be able to select neutral with fingers on grip or should it only be possible when I remove fingers and pull lever all the way until it hits the grip, and should the lever be the same angle as my forearm, thanks ,
Probably didn't make this as clear as I should have
Hello again , just need some basic questions answered for trials as I am aware of the answers for general dirt bikes
1/, I assume you select correct gear prior to taking of and rarely change while on the move
2/ while going slow in turns which brake is used or both and what proportion
3/ what angle should the bars be on , at the moment it's vertical
Thanks that's it for now
Okay everdently it's called whisky throttle
Thanks will give it a try , but certainly a lot to contend with , clutch control ,rear brake control ,throttle control , who said trials bikes were easy ,
Hello , new to trials riding. Have beta 200 , when doing wheelie as I lift front wheel I keep twisting the throttle, how to solve this