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  1. Did you sell it to a fellow named Pat ?
  2. What about the cc’s 250 or 280?
  3. It does have the short shifter . So any other things that would give me an idea what model it is?
  4. I bought what I think is a 2002 Gas Gas TXT 250. I know the year is correct but they also made a TXT 280 Pro in 2002. How do I tell which model I have. Its a fixer upper so got no documentation or and info on it. Thanks for any help.
  5. Bought a 2002 gas gas txt 250, tearing it down and putting it back together, pretty much done except to dial in the carb. Does anyone have jetting chart? Most of my riding is 1500-3000ft above sea level. Also looking for an air box. Thanks for the help. ---- Delorto model - PHBL 26
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