Introducing myself because I've just brought a '82 320.
Haven't rode for 20 years, now live in S.Wales so thought I'd buy a bike to do some trail riding before I get too decrepit (I'm 68!) to ride. Used to ride a Ossa MAR, never in comps though.
Don't know much about the brand, apart from it's a pretty bike (shallow reason to buy, but you know!). The bike seems good for the price I paid.
It's a bit visually challenged, seat vinyl torn, frame paint missing etc., but seems to run well. Has been used in trials, so I think it's ok mechanically.
And some questions! Neutral seems hard to find when the engine is running, OK when engine stopped and slightly easier down from 2nd, rather then up from 1st? The decomp lever is broken off, still available or is there an alternative? Best oil for the gearbox, how much do I need and where is the drain and filler? And finally, fully, semi synthetic or mineral 2 stroke oil and what ratio? To be honest, don't know much about single cylinder 2 strokes.
Plan is to spend spring and summer using, then a restore/rebuild over next winter.