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old trials fanatic

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Everything posted by old trials fanatic
  1. I agree anyway I've no idea what WOFTAM is so good luck with your uni work.
  2. OK I know i'm not part of your scene over there but we also suffer from small entries over here. Our club mostly only averages 50 - 60 entries per trial so it is a world wide problem. Re your National series just a suggestion and I do mean this sincerely. 1. Would it not be possible for a company to transport bikes to all rounds then the riders could just fly there and share a hire car and accommodation ? 2. Would it not be possible for a local dealer to supply bikes on a hire basis and again riders could fly and share a hire car and accommodation ? When I have ridden in Spain I have both flown and borrowed a bike when there and also the following year transported 6 bikes in my van while the riders flew over and we all shared the travel costs making it far more affordable. I am given to understand internal flights and car hire in the US is supposed to be very cheap and I would of thought for a bit of advertising coverage then a deal could be struck with a carrier and a car hire company perhaps. OK what do I know i'm just a dumb European but I am trying to offer a viable suggestion.
  3. Interesting explanation Zippy. Just shows how different our two worlds are. Think the reason vehicles over here are more economical is because the fuel price is so high and the reason the vehicles over your side of the pond are all gas guzzlers is because your fuel prices have always traditionally been so low so everybody had massive overweight vehicles and fuel economy didn't matter. Whatever you drive what you choose to drive and cough up to fill her up. Back to the subject of the post as you and Chuck pointed out the distances you travel are ridiculous from our point of view and are surely a major part of the lack of entries. Strange how you live in "Redneck Hell" but Chuck comes over as the redneck not you LOL Enjoy your sport
  4. Sorry saviours of the free world obviously a sense of humor deficiency. WTF is "smack/" Youre right about the milage we travel here but why do you need a suburban , I assume that is some kind of car?, that does 18 to 20 somethings, assume you mean miles per us gallon ? My van with 4 bikes in averages 40 - 50 mpg and that's proper gallons. Oh and the whole of western Europe collectively tugs it's forelock to you
  5. $3.79 a gallon !!!!!! God even though that's not real gallons and not real money you guys have it so good over there. Wonder how you would manage if you had to pay our prices? Currently £6.36 that's approx. $9.80 ok that's for a real gallon LOL but seriously you live so cheep over there. Just found a conversion table and for your mini gallon it's still £8.17 in real money over here. As we say "you've never had it so good".
  6. Hopefully you will have it back in time for our next trial at Burycliffe on Sunday 25th August as I felt for you big time at Bracken as you were riding well. Just ordered some more plugs LOL
  7. if I remember right the washers might be insulating ones. Best to check.
  8. I don't know I get slagged off before I even post now. Like being in "minority report"
  9. Smack on. Get trials back to what it really is about the rider against the course setter. 1 rider 1 bike no bloody minders, hangers on, media bollocks or race transporters etc etc etc. Close the circus and get back to basics. If they don't like it they can keep the motorhomes the size of a pantechnican but they have to ride on the road between sections and no repeat no bloody service crews and definitely NO MINDERS !!!
  10. think you are answering your own question. It's something to do with the points. Check cam clean and clean and reset points and try again. One other thing that I remember when I had bikes with points was that sometime the points could short out to earth if the insulator washers / spacers etc were not inserted correctly same with the condenser and wire. All worth checking cos if it started and ran if only for 10 secs then stopped at least you have narrowed it down. Good luck.
  11. Well the hot weather of late had left the popular venue of Bracken Rocks nr Holloway, Derbyshire in a lovely dry grippy state when clerk of the course Paul Beswick spent Friday and Saturday laying out the course for Sundays trial round 6 of their Club Championship. A crucial round coming half way through our season with the Championship placings starting to take form but with 6 rounds still to go and everything to play for in the race to win your class every point will count at the end of the year. Sadly the overnight rain on Saturday night caused havoc with some of the sections and scores were much higher than intended but that’s the sport of trials and almost every event held all over the country that day suffered the same fate. 4 laps of 10 sections was the order of the day and thank must go out to the 36 riders who made the effort to support the club. It was a disappointing entry but the inclement weather probably was to blame for the poor turnout. Since the bulldozers have been into Bracken rocks for the “benefit” of the modern trials boys it is becoming increasingly hard to find the natural sections that this venue was always known for but after a lot of cutting back a few were found along with some of the remaining old faithful ones. One of those sections number 5 took 12 marks from Honda mounted Dean Deveraux winning score of 54 to take the honours in the Expert Twinshock class followed home by Ian Margetts on his Fantic who suffered horrendous ignition problems but took second on 78 marks with the rest of the Experts retiring for various reasons. We apologise for the severity of the course but will try to ensure this is not repeated at future events. Sorry guys. The same story was repeated down the classes with an outstanding determined performance by Geoff Gadsby on his BSA finishing on 68 marks 14 of which were lost on that infamous section 5 where the Classic Expert riders rode the Expert route. All things considered though that was a brilliant result for Geoff on his 1950’s BSA holding it’s own against much more modern machinery. Classic Expert Twinshock was won by Ian Bend, Fantic, by just 2 points from Rob Mycock, Bultaco, with again section 5 being the biggest mark taker with Ian losing 14 and Rob just 12 but a disaster for Rob on section 3 where Rob lost 7 more marks than Ian sealed it. Taking everything into account possibly the most outstanding ride of the day was that of Colin Fray on his bog std DOT who made mincemeat of the Intermediate route to win with a miserly score of just 29 marks. 5 of which were lost on section 5 on the first lap when his DOT jumped out of gear just as he came into the section that he cleaned easily for the rest of the day. A fantastic performance which again goes to prove that trials is down to the rider ability not the size of the chequebook and you don’t need a super trick machine to win. Nice to see Colin Slater and Rob Goodwin take long overdue wins in their respective classes Colin winning the Intermediate Twinshock with a loss of 51 on his Bultaco and Rob taking the honours in the Classic Intermediate British Bike categoiry on his Francis Barnett on 55. Well done both of you. John Morely cruised to a win in the Classic Intermediate class on his Honda losing just 19 marks on the way from Martyn Nelson, Yamaha, in second on 37 and Cliff Bradley also Yamaha mounted in third on 46. Which brings us to the battle in the British Bike Clubman class between Bantam mounted Harry Lyons on the day before his 11th birthday and Arthur Tomkinson 65 years his senior on his trusty Greeves. Harry came out on top on this occaision with a loss of 24 to Arthurs 48 but both riders had good rides on a day that was difficult to find grip on. Last but by no means least Glyn Ridgeway on his Ossa also took a long overdue win in the Clubman class fighting his way around the course for a loss of 55 marks a very creditable result well done Glyn. We for the second time this year have had all the sections observed so a big thank you to all those volunteers that turned out to help make our day that little bit more enjoyable. We hope to see all the observers and especially all the rider back with us again at our next event which is at Burycliffe Quarry, Elton, Derbyshire on August 25th. See you there. For more details including full results breakdown, current Championship standings, calendar etc visit our website www.peakclassic.co.uk Expert Twinshock 1st Dean Deveraux Honda 54 marks 2nd Ian Margetts Fantic 78 marks Classic Expert British Bike 1st Geoff Gadsby BSA 68 marks Classic Expert Twinshock 1st Ian Bend Fantic 56 marks 2nd Rob Mycock Bultaco 58 marks 3rd Matt Dixon Ossa 63 marks Classic Expert Pre 95 Air Cooled Mono 1st Gary Martin Yamaha 61 marks Intermediate British Bike 1st Colin Fray Dot 29 marks 2nd Neil Walker Francis Barnett 107 marks Intermediate Twinshock 1st Colin Slater Bultaco 51 marks 2nd Mark Kearsley Yamaha 69 marks 3rd Dave Barron SWM 90 marks Classic Intermediate British Bike 1st Rob Goodwin Francis Barnett 55 marks Classic Intermediate Twinshock 1st John Morley Honda 19 marks 2nd Martyn Nelson Yamaha 37 marks 3rd Cliff Bradley Yamaha 46 marks Clubman British Bike 1st Harry Lyons Bantam 24 marks 2nd Arthur Tomkinson Greeves 48 marks Clubman Twinshock 1st Glynn Ridgeway Ossa 55 marks
  12. Sounds like the age old story of the biggest names being allowed to get away with it. Rolling back was a 5 under the old rules but didn't get enforced then either. When will the authorities actually make sure the rules they set are enforced? Makes you wonder what the outcome would have been if they had? Also applies in previous years.
  13. £18.50 ? sounds cheep enough to me. Surprised they can get them made for that. No wonder people are going bust all over the place.
  14. If you keep the original you could always retro fit if that sort of thing is important to you. thing you have to remember if you are using on the road it should theoretically be road legal. Then again how many trials bikes ever are LOL.
  15. You run a 21" rim on the front. Assuming you are going to use the bike that is. If it's just a garage queen then fill the cracks with silicone and tyre paint it. Nobody runs a 20" front rim nowadays so no manufacturer makes a useable trials tyre to that size. You will probably also struggle to find a tube also although you might be able to bodge a 21" in there. Whats the problem with running a 21" the same as everybody else anyway ? That was one of the first mods we did at the time.
  16. Got Mikuni on the Bultaco and on the OSSA. To be honest both bikes run ok on them however especially on the OSSA I am fed up with it flooding when going down steep inclines etc. Worse on the OSSA as the carb is already mounted about 10 degrees from the horizontal. I've spoken to Motocarb and Allens and they both said you can get flooding problem when more than 20 degrees inclined. No such probs with Dellortos however they are more expensive. Just an explanation of why I am thinking of changing.
  17. I've got a mikuni on mine but I intend to change to a dellorto fwiw.
  18. This Sunday 28th July sees the Peak Classic Trials Club return to the ever popular Bracken Rocks venue near Holloway, Derbyshire for round 6 of their Club Championship. As usual there will be classes for British Bikes, Pre85 Twinshocks and Pre95 Air Cooled Monos along with routes for Expert, Classic Expert, Intermediate, Classic Intermediate and of course Clubman riders. Start time will be as usual 11.00 am so plenty of time for a good days sport on your bike and still be home in time to start the barbeque to keep err indoors quiet. Proper mans Sunday LOL So get your bike out and come and join the fun. See you there
  19. Oh he's still doing the Magical stuff eh ????
  20. Just re read it what did I say to offend ? All I meant was as far as any records I could find no trials bike was ever marketed as a "bogwheeler". Probably the most stupid name ever, so far, was the OSSA Plonker who the hell thought of that one ?
  21. It would help if you were a bit more specific as "Cotton Bogwheeler" means bugger all !!! if you want help and I am sure some people will be happy to help then what year, model, engine, frame number, piccys etc might just get a sensible response. Good luck.
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