I Just start to jap zap. I want explain what Is for me because I saw that someone call It in a different way: it's when I hit whit front wheel the obstacle, and just After I Quick release clutch ans gas and Jump with bike ans body. The rear wheel it's suppose to hit where the front wheel hit.
Now the question is: I saw some video and see two distinct technique in order to have the same final result: the rear wheel Jump from the ground.
The difference it's not in the mocement but clutch and trhottle.
The First it's like a double blip, and the steps seem to be
1) put the Wheele relasing the clutch and off gas
2) hit the nbstacle and clutch in and gas on.
Pop the clutch and bla bla bla..
The rpm goes up, down, and up and pop cluth. The sound it's like "whoa whoaaa"
Theee video that do in this way
The second way don't seem to have a second blip of the clutch.. it's like they put a Wheele without put the clutch in when hitting the obstacle. It's more a Little slipping of the clutch for Wheelie and rpm never decrease. The sound it's like "whoooooaaa"
Some video
And here at 2:05
THe First method it's like a strong double blip , the second its like a splatter with the front wheel hitting.
So what's Better or more correct?
I feel the second more difficult at the beginning but more efficient and good when hitting uphill obstacle, especially with enduro bike
Where is the difference and why the second sound in this way?