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  1. Hi Billy Thanks for the info & link. I go in for surgery tomorrow, so I wanna get straight into the rehab exercises. How many times have you done yours? Sounds like you are a bit of a pro at it. Do you find that you suffer any wrist pain when you're hanging off the bars for a long time? Is there any sort of brace/protection that you wear to help protect your wrist. cheers Alexei
  2. Hearty Absquatulations Fellow Triallers Just wondering if anyone out there in trials land has suffered (and more importantly) recovered from a broken scaphoid (thats the wrist bone to us laypersons). I have just broken mine in a freak mountainbiking accident, and will have to get it pinned back together. The doc says at least 12 weeks before any form of riding, about two weeks after the big competition I have been training for. (At least I'll save on fuel) Does anyone have any experience with this operation, will I be able to ride properly again, have full use of my wrist etc. Also are there any exercises that can help my recovery (keep it clean!). Regaining confidence will be a big challenge. Thankx Alexei
  3. alexei

    Clutch Woes

    Hey Joe (cool song) Thanks very much for your response. I have switched to the ATF Dextron 3 in the box, which did help improve it a little. WRT bleeding, I have carried out the syringe technique, however I didn't know about the drawing back to free the bubble. This may be what is causing my issues, as I have heard that a bubble tends to lurk in the banjo fitting when bleeding. I will give this a try tonight to see if I can free the little bugger from it's hiding spot. When I replaced the seals I ensured everything was perfectly clean. The Australian importer told me that if I didn't have silicone I could use a fine film of the clutch hydraulic fluid, although he warned me of the dangers of any other form of mineral oil contamination. I paid particular attention to this to ensure I didn't stuff it. Thanks again, & I'll let you know how I go. Cheers Alexei
  4. alexei

    Clutch Woes

    Hi there No it's not the old TXT, its the Pro, - well that's what's written on the tank & swingarm. I didn't realise there was a difference. Cheers Alexei
  5. alexei

    Clutch Woes

    I am after some advise on my TXT 03's clutch. The bike has got some drag in the clutch so I have tried everything to rectify it. I firstly tried bleeding the system, following instructions in an earlier forum thread (that is no longer listed in the forum -where has it gone?? -these old forum threads are a good resource). I tried adjusting the lever. Then I got technical and replaced the two rubber seals in the clutch slave piston. I then sent the clutch away to get new plates in it & reset. I then rebled the system. None of these steps seems to have improved it. I have a feeling I may be bleeding the clutch incorrectly, and there maybe some air still trapped??? Can anyone help, as it's a bleeding pain (-nice pun ) in the @rse, and I just want to go riding. Thanks Alexei
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