Hey Joe (cool song)
Thanks very much for your response. I have switched to the ATF Dextron 3 in the box, which did help improve it a little. WRT bleeding, I have carried out the syringe technique, however I didn't know about the drawing back to free the bubble. This may be what is causing my issues, as I have heard that a bubble tends to lurk in the banjo fitting when bleeding. I will give this a try tonight to see if I can free the little bugger from it's hiding spot.
When I replaced the seals I ensured everything was perfectly clean. The Australian importer told me that if I didn't have silicone I could use a fine film of the clutch hydraulic fluid, although he warned me of the dangers of any other form of mineral oil contamination. I paid particular attention to this to ensure I didn't stuff it.
Thanks again, & I'll let you know how I go.