Yes the recall letter matches the details on the link posted above. I am UK based and bought the bike around March/April 23 and the bike had only been delivered to the UK then as I had to wait a couple of weeks longer than expected for it to arrive at the time.
The letter states that I am to stop riding the bike and I will receive another letter with further instructions when they 'are able to replace the faulty part causing the issue on selected bikes.' Which suggests maybe they are maybe trying to build up stock of engine covers possibly so they can swap it and send back to you if it is a bad one!
I have just received a new gasket so will take the cover off and take the pressure valve out to see if it looks the same as the image posted previously or see if I can put some oil through to see if there are any blockages.
I have changed the oil and filter myself twice both times within the first 20 hours- I actually put an hour meter on the bike attached to the saprk plug when I got it. I just checked and it is now on 25 hours. The filter was soaked with oil so I did not notice anything too much out of the ordinary and it definitely was not dry when I took it out. Although I do distictly remember noticing a very slight metalic hue to the look of the oil on the last oil change it was a sunny day but there were no large particles or pieces that I could find and I just put it down to the bright light and the engine still running itself in. Maybe I should keep a sample of the oil from the engine before it goes back the the dealer. It sounds like it is a major fault with some of these engines!
I had been putting it off as normally have to spend about an hour scraping the paper gasket off when I separate the cases but mustered up the motivation and took the case off and it would appear that the case does not have any issues that I can see and does not have the issue shown previously on the thread. I took the Pressure Valve out, squirted about 5mm of oil into the pasage at the flywheel roller bearing and the oil seemed to be flowing thorugh /past the passages normally that I have marked in blue in the attached image. Possibly my case is one that is ok or possibly there is another issue.