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  1. OssaClark

    Lost spark

    2015 TR300i Recently purchased this bike and had a hard time starting it. Fuel pump was suspect and was the problem. After replacement the bike fired up and ran perfectly for 10 minutes - until it stopped. No spark, tried different plugs - nothing. Do these bikes have a weakness in the spark creation department ? Anything come to mind after an engine removal but ran for 10 min after install ? Not enough time with this bike to know what the go-to's are. Everything seems to be plugged in and secure. Pulled a coil off another dirt bike but still no spark. Blue/black wire to coil does show a voltage signal on a digital meter when moving the kick starter.
  2. Anytime you want to give me a "core dump" on Ossa's or have a bike chat, feel free to give me a call 916-802-1045.
  3. With the bike list on your profile I figured you were overseas.
  4. Good to hear ! Yes, I have a little 12v battery pack hooked up now as well. There was a 9v that came on the bike but didn't take long to realize it does nothing. Need to finish it up and try to start it. Almost a hard enduro scenario on my Beta yesterday.... I'm whooped ! I seen you have a couple of Explorer's. Never heard of that model until 2 months ago - Lewisport brought in one Explorer and 2 TRi's from a recent widow that needed to clear out her garage. I'm not sure if they sold more that 5-10 Explorers in the US. How does the pump work ? Mine will run briefly every time I press the button but quickly shuts off - like max pressure was achieved. Is that regulator of some type that is on the plug side as opposed to the pump side.... Thanks !
  5. Hi Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I got the part. Lewisports is where I got the bike and he's only 30km away. He's closed Fri - Sun and I just figured he didn't have this part. He did, plus the a new fuel pump and 90° fuel connector in aluminum. I appreciate the 50psi comment. I was maxed out at 21 with a 12v battery and kick starting. Pain the a*** taking the motor out and then back in. I'm just wrapping up the last bits and then I can see if the hard - nearly impossible start problem is behind me. It will be interesting to see running pressure vs static (battery) pressure.
  6. I think I'm the proud new owner of a 2015 TR 300i.... but it won't start sometimes. The bike came with a 9v battery. I was instructed to push the button prior to kicking. Didn't take long to realize the 9v doesn't activate the fuel pump so I put a little 12v in. Pump runs and logs 21 psi - max. Just kicking the bike I can get to 21 psi after 3 kicks. Right..... what's the pressure with the engine running ? Don't know - the barb off the fuel injector housing broke while I was carefully trying to disconnect the fuel line to check pressure. Two questions... Anyone know where I can get the replacement housing with the barb and 2). Has anyone defined a minimum amount of pressure to ensure the injector is working properly ? I can drop a few drops of premix down the spark plug hole or throttle body and she fires right up. Runs perfectly once it starts. Lots of great information here and kudos to Konrad on his website !
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