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Everything posted by stuhrc
  1. Still no luck finding a date for this despite emailing the club............ anyone able to help?
  2. Cheers, I'll give that email a go and let you know if I hear anything back.
  3. Does anyone know if the Ryahader Club are running this event this year, and if so on what date? I emailed the club a few weeks back but no word. Cheers
  4. Bonhams Auction; tasty restoration, hefty pricetag!! Link
  5. Dragging up an old topic again. The lads on the Fantic forum are suggesting these for the Marzocchi's on the fanatic 200 and SWM. Any thoughts? Ebay
  6. Any suggestions out there as to where to get a set? Trying to get a set of XL185 plates here in Ireland is proving difficult!
  7. Took these at the 2003 WR in Bangor, may be of some use. Pics
  8. stuhrc


    Cheers Charlie, much appreciated.
  9. stuhrc


    I heard BigJohn chatting during the Nevis Radio SSDT coverage about both Chris Haigh and Paul Jackson & their Velocettes. Has anyone got any contact details for either of these guys?? Cheers!!
  10. Anybody out there got a TLR 250 parts list in any format (pdf/paper)?? Any ideas if there's anywhere online to download it?? Cheers!!
  11. Vid............. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/new...od/?R=EPI-99912
  12. That's Bou's minder, Didac Cercos. He's nuts, I remember him at some of the TDN after parties, big into his break dancing!!
  13. stuhrc

    Seeley On Ebay

    Should have tried to get PaddyPower.com to set this up as a novelty bet!!!! I'll go
  14. stuhrc

    Seeley On Ebay

    So what's it going to go for?? Clicky
  15. That's genius!! See how much effort Didac his minder puts into it for the last step!!!
  16. I know that guy well, an absolute genius in a car, that Escort contains a 300+BHP Warrior engine. Regularly wipes the floor with the majority of single-seaters & recently scalped a very good pilot in a Focus WRC car over 2.2miles. The Lant RT4 he's in at the end of the clip is usaully driven in the same manner as the 'scort........ sideways!!! Ground effects car, tons of downforce, always at the end of the rack!!!! If this guy could just get signed by a WRC manufacturer he'd go very far!!!
  17. Anyone see Andy's vid's from Spain WTC and notice how top guys took the total p*ss negotiating the red markers?? Whatever happened to the "theoretical straight line between markers"??
  18. stuhrc

    06 Repsol Switch

    FF, 2 quick questions: 1) Will the original data cable work for the 2-stage throttle-body?? 2) Any idea why various laptops I have tried fail to communicate with the ECU, however when connected to a full PC it works no problem??
  19. Montesa with all the restrictors out for the noise..........
  20. That sounds like a plan, think I'll bid too just to extract top money from a tight Yorkshireman!!!!
  21. stuhrc

    A First

    Ah, had to do some last minute gardening half way up a hillclimb section, so on the way back down tried bumping........no problem!!!
  22. stuhrc

    A First

    Yup I've had this, was sitting in a big queue on a cold day, fired it up and started blipping the throttle straight away. Immediately ran like a bag of spanners. Stopped it and then started again and then allowed it to idle for the manual's recommended 2 minutes!! ECU needed to reset itself as the engine had just got cold. I would guess the talking sh*te was actually more than 20 minutes and a cold engine resulted!!! Also i've bump started before, no problem, though engine was hot at the time, never tried it from cold........
  23. stuhrc

    Seeley Exhausts

    PM'd all you guys!!
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