Frustrated .... '74 Yamaha TY250 Trials ran fine but a little flat at top end. Decided to try a CDI kit to get better performance. Installed the CDI kit and wouldn't start. I rechecked and set the timing with a strobe lite and turned the crank using a drill with socket in the CCW direction. Prior to timing, checked and marked TDC and .122" piston BTDC location on crank case. Next I pulled the spark plug. With the plug grounded to case i see a nice blue arc when i use the kick starter. After kicking my leg tired. Pulled the plug and it was wet. I pulled the plug and let the cylinder air out overnight and tried the next morning. No start. the kill switch in not part of the wiring at this point. So that is not shorting the coil to ground, ie have a spark.
Since the bike ran before, I didn't think any thing like fuel quality or flow were an issue. But now having to go down that road to pull Carb and flush it clean and with fresh fuel. Do you guys see anything I might be missing. Been at this now for a week and no starting.....frustrated