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Everything posted by vinceprince
  1. People are strange, so if electric is easier to ride and that also means that older riders who find it hard to use a kickstart and also suffer with arm pump, instead of welcoming modern technology they would rather ban it!!! If they are moaning at the kids then surely adults riding electric also have an unfair advantage if thats the case. Yes the DF is light and also i like the extra ground clearance under the sump guard
  2. Hi Colin, yes also my dragonfly has a multitude of power settings so in reality it should make these electric bikes very versatile to be used in most of the classes, which i suppose, is why i was asked the question. I wonder what an organiser of a trial would say if a youth rider turned up and entered on one, would they need a dyno in an artic trailer to prove it complied !!!
  3. I think its very easy to set the bhp to any setting you desire on these bikes so that could be good news for my inquisitive dad and i would think the system can be locked out in some way the same as on an EMTB and then one bike coould be used right through the classes, i guess the only issue is how would the trial organisers know if the bike was set to the required bhp limit unless the ACU have a plan for that. He said to me that because his lad had grown up on Osets then it was a natural progression on to a bigger e bike.
  4. Heres a question, while i was sat at a section on my electric trials bike a rider pulled up alongside me and said, do i know if his lad could ride one of the electric bikes in the youth class! interesting point i didnt have the answer but the bike has a power switch each position is equivalent to 80cc. 125cc, 250cc and 300cc so in theory it covers all classes but i still dont know the answer to the question and i wonder if the ACU has ever thought about it
  5. Evening, yes they seem to have stopped producing trials motorcycles and as far as i can gather are making EMTBs, but we have been able to still get most parts for the existing trials models, not sure how long this will last but so far we are getting parts orders. As for Mecatecno we are just awaiting the showing and arrival of the 2025 models, these are cracking bikes and deserve to be a success, as the previous person said its a shame that the trials market can't support these inovative small manufacturers. re Vince.
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