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  1. I’ve had nylon coated parts, much less susceptible to peeling than powder which always seems to come off in sheets once chipped. Otherwise paint is easier to touch up.
  2. Nice! That’s a good bit more advanced than my ‘stick the number on with a loop of gaffer tape sticky side out’ method 😀
  3. I’d say replace with the choice of MTB brake system that fits your budget. The front is an easy bolt on swap. From memory you need to feed the hose through the frame and bleed to follow the original rear routing. Clarks, Shimano, Magura, Hope… pick whichever is readily available to you with spare levers offered too.
  4. Haha I did similar on an early ride in the back garden and took out the bottom corner of a neighbours fence panel…
  5. Hello Vince, in the local club I ride with we’ve got a number of youth riding various EMs successfully from 11 or 12 years old. All for fun though, no sanctioned competition. I’m aware of one family who attempted youth competition on electric and really struggled to get the bike understood, plus complaints it was unfair as clutch control not necessarily required, cannot stall etc. To the extent they sold the electric and went back to a gas bike to cut the politics and just get riding. Admire your DF and it’s lightweight. Would love to compare one to my EM.
  6. The lower power mode is certainly available on my 2023 Race. There are two connectors for the throttle on the loom, one is for full power and swapping to the other gives approx half power. No additional switch, just swap the connector over.
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