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  1. Not laughed at a post before re; your diary of a pommie.

    P.S now living in w.a

    Cheers Matt

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=...p;v=7lm3UwXGgl8 Matt.
  3. matty

    Piston Rings

    http://www.jkhirst.co.uk/acatalog/Pistons_Rings_Pins.html I have used before good service .
  4. matty

    Yamaha Xty225

    Hi, Thought this might be of interest to you if you needed to sort out a pipe for your project ? http://www.trailridinginkent.co.uk/cgi-bin...;num=1209065804 Good Luck Matt.
  5. Was he a big bloke you bought it from ..... or was it just a typing error ??
  6. Iv'e use this in the past quite easy to use and i was very impressed used it for the hole in the side casing from the kickstarter http://www.easyweld.com/store.cfm/pid/25/ Though it might come it handy if welding up your bash plate http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg24/ma...ur/100_9612.jpg http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg24/ma...ur/100_9611.jpg
  7. How would you go about removing some or all of the weight of the flywheel on a ty 175 ? If removing some how much? or is it a suck it and see job. Thanks Matt..
  8. matty

    Ty 2 X Spark Plugs?

    Is this what you have seen only a couple with twin spark plugs. Good luck with the re-build. Matt..
  9. Thanks for the information looks like the Beta it is then. cheer Matt.
  10. Trying to find a bike best suited for my son he is 10 and just starting out any suggestions for what the best bike would be for him to start off with?
  11. matty

    End Of Run !

    HI I have owned a yamaha ty175 for about 20 years the date of registration was May 1984 I was trying to find out if the bike is near to the end of the production run, chassis no:525222625 or did they carry on later than 1984 ? Cheers Matty
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