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Hi guys, I have recently began a personal challenge, i am planning to walk the last two latitudinal degrees from 88 degrees north to 90 degrees north (the North Pole) - a distance of over 200kms. This expedition will take roughly three weeks, i will be part of a small team who will be unsuported from the moment of the drop-off (at 88 degrees) until we reach the North Pole. We will walk towing sledges behind us with all of the food, tents, clothing, etc we need for the full three weeks. I will be trying to raise money to support this expedition and i will be raising money for the leading cancer research charity in the UK (www.cancerresearchuk.org). In total i have to raise roughly 35,000 Euros / 28,000 GBP, i will be approaching companies in the UK and in the Netherlands for support and sponsorship. If you would consider making a donation towards this journey or would like some more information please see www.dtlastdegrees.co.uk. All sponsors of 75 Euros / 50 GBP will be listed in the website and i will keep a monthly progress update to keep everybody up-to-date on how things are progressing. The trip is schedulled for April 2010 which feels very soon considering how much money i have to raise, if you can help in any way, know of any companies or people that could offer me support please let me know, If you got this far then thanks for reading, Best regards, Darrell Taylor darrelltaylor01@ntlworld.com www.dtlastsegrees.co.uk
Update....(To prove ive not given up) The front wheel has had a new black rim, the hub has been powder-coated, the spokes have been replaced and a brand new tyre (rim tape, rim lock and innertube) have all been fitted. The forks are finished and in the bike, the front wheel is in. The rad is in for a slight repair (my repair wasnt good enough - it was weak and looked bad) - that will be ready to fit soon.... The Rear wheel is in pieces, the hub has gone to be powder-coated, a new rim and spokes are on the way. I have a new tyre, tube and rim-tape already and a rim-lock is on order.... I found newer body-work (as the old stuff was in bad condition) and new stickers will be cut as soon as i get them drawn properly. I have a brand new exhaust - but its off a different climber - so might not fit it....(it isnt the same 'up and over' shape as the 280 that i have). i will update again when both wheels are finished - might even post a pic.....
I would try Andover Norton first 01488-686816 - then Rathmals 01423 772885. Regards
Engines are ultra reliable, rear shocks can wear out quickly & forks suffer badly from leakages. Parts are a bit of a nightmare to find depending what you want but if your after parts ask on here and i can suggest to you where you might find them. The engines produce good power, a little too much sometimes but a good exampe with a decent setup is a bloomin good bike. If yours is usable then you should use it and put your opinion on here to let us know what you think! HTH
Thanks for the help and info everyone!!! I will hopefully be at the Pathfinders Trial at Clifton on a TY250R. Wish me luck.....
Hi, I want to do my first trials competition this christmas, i need some help finding one. I am from Derby so any events in Derbyshire, Leciestershire, Nottinghamshire or North Staffordshire would be fine. Im on a 1988 TY250R with a front disk brake conversion. I want to ride any time between the 22nd of December and the 3rd of January. (would like to do a couple if posible). I am not a member of any club so will need day membership. Any ideas??
Thanks for the info on the fork volumes! Oh and now the pressure is on! People want to see pics so i have to make it look good!
either www.ebay.co.uk or www.wemoto.com
Its looking better, but as yet not good! I promise to post some pics, but will post them when the wheels are back in. Im stuck on the forks at the moment, how much oil to put in? Its a 1991 Aprilia Climber ive recently been told (which is bad because when i bought it i was told it was a 1995 or there abouts). This means one fork is for compression and the other for rebound. And when i took the forks apart they were almost dry inside. No oil because the seals had such a gap around them! Ive got a copy of the Marzochi fork manual from the helpful person on here who's name i cant remember, but those forks are not the same as mine at all. They must have been fitted to an newer model. Anyone got any help or advice? Thanks
'ark at me, Rathmels! What i meant was Andover Norton do engine spares for these engines!
http://www.greybike.co.uk http://www.greybike.co.uk/forum
Update, Engine is in Frame, Swingarm is in, Rad is repaired, Forks are ready to go in.... Engine casings have been coated, got the new gaskets, have repaired the yoke spindle and fitted the electrics {not that there is much electrics} Still need to repair exhaust front pipe, consider how best to spray the bodywork {or find some new, or decent 2nd hand stuff}. Rebuild the front wheel and see if i can buy the bit from the clutch that go's inside the bearing in the pressure plate. Then its back together and running [fingers crossed]
Some engine parts are still available from Rathmels i believe. What are you looking for?
well its been slow progress for one reason or another.... but, my frame has been repaired, and powdercoated. subframe is on, shock is in, airbox is in with a new airbox lid (the bit that holds the filter in), mid exhaust is in and bottom end is in place but not bolted in fully as yet. bought a new front rim, and powder coated it as well as the hub. still need to.... repair the thread on the yoke spindle powder coat some engine casings order a washer, some stickers, some gaskets, spokes, grips, bearings, etc repair front pipe (pull dints out) find new clutch lever and front brake master cylinder (with short levers) and some other bits.... but its getting there - and the more i put back together the more enthusiastic i get. and if i really lose interest i watch that dupont video on youtube and im dying to get riding again!
Hi, I want to go trials riding locally. Does anyone know where i can go? I was walking in Dovedale recently and thought that would be a fantastic place but i know there is no way i can legally ride there. So does anyone know of any places in Derbyshire, Ashbourne, Leciestershire, Burton upon Trent? Thanks in advance for any help, Darrell