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  1. Thanks Charlie......... 32 riders at the minute...We were always going to open to our club members or in fact the results block of riders if we couldn't make fifty. Easter weekend there is a lot going on Red Marley...Exeter Two Day and abroad as well. If I am to put twenty sections on with two laps then will need in excess of 80 riders and Al;an and Salty believe this is the way to go to make the Trial viable. The sections will be for Twinshock machines and not modern bikes in fact they will be taking a back seat at this event and will start the other side of the farm. I hope people will understand the reasoning for this decision and it won't jeopardize the meeting. Regards Ken O'Brien Clerk of Course PS. The reason for opening to moderns is a lack of entries with the closing date looming.
  2. I must say Alan Wright Gerry Minshall and Peter Salt have done a very good job of promoting this series at very short notice as have ourselves with regs in all the usual places for some weeks now and this is why there is disappointment with early entries...... I am sure the Series is going to be a success... OK there will be a few moderns floating around at our round but hopefully this will bode well for the number of observers required and with a section draw of 100 50 and 25 quid and an Easter Egg for all section personnel we are hoping for a good day.... Light refreshments will be on hand with overnight camping available for a small charge from the farmer I believe....... www.oxfordixionmcc.co.uk
  3. Not going to bother anymore a waste of pen paper and a stamp.......May try again if a new committee is formed a different balloting procedure might be introduced not the same old faces year in year out if I'm not too old....I have the right equipment 1963 Cotton or 1964 BSA C15 genuine frame and a 1956 Matchless 500......
  4. Oxford Ixion club The Norton Trophy Trial at Beckley Oxon on Sat 13th November 2010 at 12.00... Have been doing some serious clearing and a couple of new hill climbs are in to compliment our regular ones...Subs include Roots-Rocks-Climbs-Cambers-Drops-Slots-Muddy Blasts and well what more do you want...Check out ...T&MX News / Trials Central or our website at www.oxfordixionmcc.co.uk This is primarily a Pre 65 and Twinshock event but club members are welcome to attend. Our Blue easy route is aimed at the beginner-older rider and those who prefer a nice gentle ride out... See events calendar on homepage for contacts. If you haven't looked you won't get hooked...Ken 07917302011 if interested...
  5. Thanks to everyone for helping to make our trial yesterday a success ( The James Cup ).We had an entry of 84 with enough observers to cover all 18 sections.

    Report/results and pictures will be on line asap....

  6. Oxford Ixion club The Norton Trophy Trial at Beckley Oxon on Sat 13th November 2010 at 12.00... Have been doing some serious clearing and a couple of new hill climbs are in to compliment our regular ones...Subs include Roots-Rocks-Climbs-Cambers-Drops-Slots-Muddy Blasts and well what more do you want...Check out ...T&MX News / Trials Central or our website at www.oxfordixionmcc.co.uk This is primarily a Pre 65 and Twinshock event but club members are welcome to attend. Our Blue easy route is aimed at the beginner-older rider and those who prefer a nice gentle ride out... See events calendar on homepage for contacts. If you haven't looked you won't get hooked...Ken 07917302011 if interested...
  7. Email me at kobixion@btinternet.com I will see what i have ( good books but don't believe all you read )
  8. You are barking up the wrong tree!!! Try and get hold of a C15G or B25 box and fit a C15S bottom gear...I have done this Mod many times and it works well with an 18T Eng Sprocket for Trials...If you are going scrambling then a 23t front.
  9. Check out Ebay 10658ken for some quality duplex chain for your unit BSA Trials Bikes and cheap
  10. Quote from Old Trials Fanatic "The pre65 Scottish is mostly effectively a "invitation" event with a "ballot" of sorts for the remaining places. I'm ok with that also but please be open about what happens and dont insult my and others intellegence by trying to make out otherwise. Just be open and honest or even better hand over ALL the entries to a 3rd party who has no connection with the Trials community who would hold a totally accountable and open to inspection draw for places with no and i mean no pre allocated rides wether the person supports the trial financially or has a sibling riding or any other good cause". Just my views To make one feel more at ease with the Ballot perhaps the committee could list the same fortunate riders who gain automatic entry each year and the reason for this. Quite a few of my mates get in year after year and to be honest they are somewhat embarrassed about it,one in particular only rides two Trials a year and this is one of them. Most of them put nothing back into our sport at all not even to bring an observer so that reason is a no go area for a start.
  11. OK they say the ballot is done by category but isn't this the same thing as unfair to most,if you study the entries over the years you can see the picture very clearly.
  12. Nice one Big John but unfortunatley the club have now come forward and admitted in as many words and if you read between the lines the ballot isn't fair ' Don't bother wasting a stamp ' on your entry.
  13. Oh well no point in having a moan with no entry again but it does seem ludicrus for the committee to say it's a Pre 65 bike trial when they know well it's nothing of the sort. There are many genuine machines but perhaps it is time to put a pic of the bike you intend to ride in with your entry but having said that it will not alter the fact there is only 20 or so riders in the actual ballot.
  14. smiley

    'owt On?

    Tight git ---go and buy one
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