I tried Wylie's already.Very rude.They want
I wound up insuring my bike through Carol Nash.None of the other Irriots had ever heard of Fantic Motor.They initially insured it as though it was going to be a Q plate(in the end I got an age related plate),but at least they were prepared to insure the bike,unlike all the others.Tossers.
Easy now,
Pro-clean won't remove scratches.
Plastic renew was a kit that Off Road Only (aka Zembruski's) used to supply.Not sure if they still do it,but that's the answer.
I'm using optimax with STP octane booster in my 300 Fantic(which also knocks when it's hot).This combination definitely reduces the detonation.
I got the STP from halfords(it comes in an orange bottle).It also seems to work well enough with Super plus unleaded.
Bear in mind my bike would have been designed to run on 98 octane leaded petrol so you modern petrol heads should get equally good results.
50:1 with a semi synthetic is probably o.k 'cause they seem to 'burn off' better than the fully synthetic equivalents.
The full synthetics tend to condense in the cooler parts of the exhaust( the silencers).This is why when you take the bike for a high geared blast every now and again,it will probably smoke heavily after a while(because the exhaust temp. rises to a level where the excess oil is finally burnt off).
You'll also notice that the bike will feel a lot more crisp and sharp on the throttle.
It sounds like the main damage to your old mains was caused by water getting in(?),if this does happen you,ve gotta get it out and quick.Failure to do so(even for a short time)will knacker your bearings unbelievably quickly!.
Go for 50:1 semi, or 70:1 fully synthetic and be happy!
Same condition as mine(only thing missing on mine's the original lights),still got the toolbox though.
Trials Austrailia tech tips has an article on basic wiring,Can't remember whether there's a Fantic specific section in there or not but it might be worth looking
Hello Gayboy I Know your out there!.See you tommorrow?
The Pro's should be run on a 1.5% ratio (70:1 in english),use a good synthetic oil.The '99 bike should be fine at this ratio too
p.s 70:1 = 15cc's per litre using the premium unleaded,not the norm stuff.
Just got the Fantic insured with Carole Nash on the frame no.(got to register it at the dvla local office within 30 days).
The original quote(considering the bike will be on a Q plate)was given as
It might sound ridiculous,but I'm wondering if that rearwards facing fork trick is somebody's idea of shortening the wheel base in an attempt to make the thing turn inside a euro!.
Love the crazy colour scheme on the shock's though.
Sorry I can't help with the air box problem but I seem to remember seeing a section on the Todotrial website that allows you to download the workshop manual for a number of the older Montesa's(more than likley in spanish-but the exploded diagrams and capacities/settings should be de-sipherable anyway)
I did'nt Know you could still get 'event insurance',i suppose that would have been the way to go.Looks like I'd better try Carole Nash again.
I think your gonna be on your own again on Sunday,Mark me old china, (the fork seals have gone big time).I've got to go over to Goodies on Saturday to get some bits so hopefully he'll have a set.
I'll just have to aim for the victory trial instead
Dunno which is harder really 'cause I'm crap at both,still I 'spose someone has to be!.When you look at half the entry of the Trials World Champs. you don't need to look to hard to find ex-cyclo trials experts.
I would imagine pedalling is harder but riding the HRC works bikes pays the bills better!
Marky G has got a Pinky which was the last of the air cooled mono's.He swears by it.I don't suppose there's many(if any)differences between the bike you have and his but he'd tell you more than I can.All I know is he keep kicking my ass every weekend(having said that I'm crap at trials and I ride a twin shock!)
Where on earth do you get "Moped insurance"?
More to the point are the organisers even likley to check your details when you sign on?.Hope not!.
Check your e-meither Dude I've lost your phone no.
p.s Yes the whole 10 sections are based in and around the stream.Should be good this year,we've got 4 new venues!.
Cheers Gayboy,Sunday's out because i've got to go and start to mark out the route for the South Shrops. event in 3 weeks(new venue).
I tried Carol Nash earlier today and got nowere,same with everybody else.Its frying my head Dude,it never used to be this difficult.
If I get nowwhere legally I'm just gonna have to play the White Man.
Rude I know,but what can you do?
Has Anyone got any experience with trying to re-register an older tirials bike?.I'm trying to sort out this problem with my 85 Fantic that has been registered in the past but the documents have gone missing.The DVLA stance on the job is to get the bike MOT'ed on the frame no.,get insurance cover then approach the local office fill in the necessary paperwork,pay for the tax disc,and they then issue a Q plate.
The problem I'm having is trying to get insurance cover;
A because the bike does'nt yet have a registeration mark
B because when it does it'll be a Q
C because "We don't insure Trials bikes"
All this hassle even though the MOT itself was almost a formality!.
If anybody has had these problems recently,and/or can recomend an insurance company or broker that can help I'd be well made up.
The only other option is to use the reg plate and tax disc off the van which is exactly what they're trying to stop.
Help me people,I just want to get dirty on a Sunday!
Does anybody know the fork seal sizes for the 310 Cota circa 1990 with upside down forks(I'm assuming they're Marzocchi's).
Mine are leaking and I would like to have the parts to hand before stripping them.
Also,what oil level (springs out,forks compressed ? ect) and weight should be used,
The HRC website mentions 80:1 for Dougie's bike so you'll probably find that's what the engines are jetted to run with.There's a website called Trials Austrialia which covers this subject in some detail in it's Tech Tips section.
The forks will need 220cc's of 7.5wt. per leg.
As far as the mixture ratio goes I'm running mine @66:1 with the fuel screw 1 turn out, the needle dropped 1 clip position and a 106(down 1 size from a 108)main jet. 50:1 with modern synthetic oils is too oil rich and will probably cause the bike to regularly "fluff" the plug.
Also run your air filter dry, not heavily oiled as this can also compound the problem(Bill Pye's advice,not mine)
Last i heard Bill had only got the later clothing to match those multi-coloured sections,but i might give him a wizz anyway,you never Know do you?
I think i'd better give it a miss,riding the way i do at a weekend and looking like Brittany Spears will just about wrap it up!.
Thanks anyway,it's a pity it's so small.Guess i'll have to keep looking.
Catch you later,
It might be worth contacting Steve Goode motorcycles on(u.k)01938 850544.
A few year ago i had an '86 progress (first of the mono's),the rear linkage bearings were knackered and Steve supplied a set of inner and outer bushes for cheap,but more interestingly he also supplied a new set of linkage pins which were drilled and had grease nipples fitted.
I would imagine the bearings and pins would be the same as the 303 because manufactuers didn't change things for fun in those days!.
Anyway good luck, cheers
Greetings from the other side of the pond.I'm definitely interested in the shirt,but how we're going to go about the deal is another matter.You'll have to decide on a price including shipping and i'll have to convert it into pounds sterling and we'll go from there!.
As for the generator issue,the Fantics i've owned have been fitted with Ducati ignition systems(maybe the USA models had motoplat),but the sparks on my bikes have never been great.The low tension coil(on the stator plate)should read 475 ohms and the primary coil 100 ohms.If the readings are too far out this can bugger your spark up.
Anyway hope to hear from you soon,
Has anybody got any idea if it's still possible to find the original Fantic riding jersey's/trousers.Any ideas?
Cheers, Spencey.