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  1. Thanks Laser - I'll try and get my hands on one of those.
  2. Hi All, A number of us have moved to 09 Gassers and we're loving them ! However, the rear shock does seem to struggling with the "bigger boned" among us. Anyone have experiences to share on rear and general suspension mods to help the sag (on bike) caused by the sag (on rider), then again some of us are just very tall Trevor
  3. I've been down the same road with my 315. I now have CR250 plates in it and I use ATF. This seems to have improved the drag substantially (once warm), but I'm now struggling with the lack of "gradual-ness" for want of a better word. My clutch is now more of an on/off switch. Nothing happens in the first 70% of the clutch lever movement, then it's on/off at about 75%. Any advice on what could be changed, fixed, adjusted to give a more gradual engage/dis-engage ?
  4. If I go for a new one, then yes. Thanks to everyone for the info so far ! Trevor
  5. I've had a Montesa 1998 315R for many years and I'm keen to get a new bike. Quite attached to Montesa for some reason .... but not sure if a brand new 2008 4RT is worth the money. Would a good condition 2005/6/7 be a better bet ? Anything specifically a problem on 2005-2007 models that has been sorted on the 2008 model ? My fellow riders do quite rightly point out that I could buy a 2008 Gas Gas 2T for about 2/3 of the price of a montesa 4RT. Should I block my ears and make childish noises :-) or are they making sense ? Any useful input to help decision making will be much appreciated.
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