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Everything posted by beatabeta
  1. It's basically the same bike so should be identical. I find the 300cc nice and soft off the bottom, but you'll also find some people think its a bit racey of the bottom. You can buy gaskets to soften it more or modify the head.
  2. I personally cant see that being the case (It may well be the case but it's a real cr@ppy idea) thats not good then for the consumer....... "Sorry Mr customer you'll have to wait for your 'racing' if you want one"?? You can then almost hear the "oh sorry they aren't making anymore" call 5 weeks after you place your order. I cant see the point of releasing something then not making it available, especially a couple of months before you yearly special edition - Raga Rep - is launched. The Raga rep is always built then sold so will be in stock when you want it.
  3. agree with some of this and I'm a 'gasser lad' shirty IMO takes the p*ss out of the people that look after him VERY handsomely. His cust service is awful when u look at someone like John Lampkin, he breaks the law with his 6 month warranty, he's made absolute hay while while the sun shines with the exchange rates and I personally have no time for him as a business man, (he may be a great bloke for all I know) or his hangers on.
  4. Very good shout. I love my raga 300cc and may look at another one this year, depending on price - you'd have to say that it should be V similar to the 'racing' based on previous specs (and with exchange rates stabilising maybe even cheaper YEA RIGHT!!) and would probably look to get a 250cc now that there's a choice They do seem to be restricting their market to youth riders and top experts who like the 300cc grunt with the Racing. Although you could easily argue that it wouldn't be a very special edition if you could get it in all flavours and also that the 250/280 aimed at clubman/expert are more than sufficient and a good
  5. Find this quite interesting. The new bike looks STUNNING! and has pretty much most of the bits that the Raga Rep has (and had - ohlins) Makes me wander, what are they going to do with the 2010 Raga Rep??? Will it be pretty much same as the above bike but with different colour schemes?? OR are they planning something bigger? a-la what Beta did when they surprised the world with the Evo?? Gas Gas planning something radical?!?! Any ideas anyone???
  6. Another blast from the past in that Colley pic is Gabino Renales who was Bosis' minder for a while and also a damn good rider in the late 80's happy days! Need more late 80's early 90's threads and pics
  7. no that was 1989 Scottish when Tarres arrived with prototype Beta Zero. The production bike was the Beta 'Stripy' reckon Beta might regret doing such public testing!! After that I think Tarres won every single WTC round for remainder of the championship in 89
  8. 1992. Very hard trial, Bosis won it on 100 or 101 marks I recall
  9. Brilliant event, great coverage and Bou is in a different league to everyone else. Aside from the 'slack' 5 at the end (slack by his standards obviously ) he was CLEAN around probably the most extreme sections ever! that is scary. And must be soooo disheartening for the others who were pretty much making up the numbers on the night. Was super impressed with James - again, he is looking very confident. 2010 could define him in WTC What failed on his bike when rear suspension collapsed, anyone know??? also what was Raga's issue? was it as simple as chain coming off??
  10. Think you're missing my point entirely!! Everything you wrote is the same but they are cheaper in Europe (they are still manufactured and stored and pay tax over there you know) which mean that you are being ripped of in the UK - AGAIN! They cost sweet FA to manufacture - Gas Gas rear guard been the same for how many years now?? 8 years?? so why has the cost gone up by 50%? Something that cost
  11. Just bypass rip off UK and get them abroad and shipped over. You might need to buy afew but you'll save money and can even whack the excess stuff on ebay!
  12. What about prices? Any gauge on these yet? Assume 2010 model a fair bit lighter than previous years! Would guess sherco engine is lighter than a 17 yr old yammy lump.
  13. Is there no 250cc then?
  14. Only 30 minutes though!! whats that all about?? rubbish
  15. Are the Sherco engined Scorpa's out yet?? If so whats the price and how do they compare with the old Yamaha engined bike? Would have thought its lighter, but any other reports? Thanks
  16. For trail style riding I'd say 300cc Gas Gas. You might want the large fuel tank or the Hebo number board/extra tank.
  17. New format was OK to follow. My only problem was Fajardo and Fuji going out. Why not have 6 in the final like always? Only other complaints (apart from Danny McCaskill not riding ) were - - 2 points for losing the race at beginning of TX3 : too harsh, either leave it as 1 mark or have it to purely decide riding position for TX3 - Final points scoring eg: 20pts for win, 15pts for 2nd, 12pts for 3rd... AGAIN why not leave as outdoor scoring : 20, 17, 15, 13, 11, 10 etc?? As it stands now if Bou wins next round everyone else can pretty much write of the 2010 indoor season as he will be 10 points (at the very least) clear of 2nd place. Who would catch him from there?? No one
  18. I didn't even see on here that there was no Danny McCaskill. Where was that posted? As you said though really bad that Avondale couldn't be bothered to get someone else in. Doubt it was even that short notice. Danny would have easily known by Early/Mid December when he was due to start riding again. With that knowledge, even if he expected to be able to ride again in early January he would surely have thought 'I dont really want to be doing a big arena event first week back after not riding for 4 months' Stinks of foul play to me and would really expect an announcement from Avondale. I quite like the new format, however they need a better way of deciding how people go rather than 'last section is timed' I really think Fajardo could have been easy 2nd on Saturday and was a real shame for everyone to miss the 'best' riders. I assume that the riders know in advance that in this instance the last section is timed. Am I right?? If that is the case then I guess Fajardo can only blame himself, however he didn't seem aware of this and there was no haste to his ride on the log section. Maybe the top 6 should compete in the final final rather than 4.
  19. 4 Things starting with the positives then sadly moving to BIG negatives - 1: Quality Event and sections, really good : A+ 2: Dibs riding was flawless throughout, absolutely awesome : A++ 3: New system for dropping riders SUCKS!! Fajardo was EASILY second best rider there on the night but lost out on the times section and was rightly \mighty p*ssed off at it 4: WTF NO DANNY MCCASKILL?? ABSOLUTE DISGRACE and can only blame Avondale for this.... He has a broken collar bone and has not riden for FOUR MONTHS.... Fair enough, cant be helped but WHY was this not communicated to the paying public???? and WHY was no back up rider/display bought in??? THEY MUST HAVE KNOWN in advance that he couldn't ride and did SWEET F.A about it. Disgusting! We had about 8 spectators around us that simply did not show for the second part of the event and that talks volumes and IMO is very damaging. Also heard 3 bikers outside in break who had literally come only to see Danny ride in this event the actual trial was an aside for them. I think Avondale owe some sort of explanation as to why they did not communicate this AT ALL and why there was no replacement rider bought in. This ruined an otherwise brilliant night for me.
  20. beatabeta


    I would only run a modern trials bike on super unleaded. Over a 5 litre fuel can costs you 50p more any def run cleaner.
  21. So is Cabestany staying on Sherco for 2010??? And is there a 4 stroke?
  22. As you will have gathered my Montesa knowledge is limited to say the very least. Rode 2 and hated them, dont like 4 strokes and think the price, styling and ride on the Montesa is horrendous. Anyway the main gist of what I said still stands - 1: why cant Montesa just change the god awful colours of the 09 model and call it a 2010 model??? from what you say the 09 is a great bike so they could easily just colour update. 2: that Honda RTL looks GOREGOUS why cant the Montesa look that nice - ever?? 3: Totally agree with Martin - the works bikes are obviously the absolute nuts, but none of this tech seems (and bear in mind that as above my Mont knowledge is limited) to get anywhere near the heavy, tall and awkward production bike - yet still Montesa charge
  23. OK, cheers for the updates. Knew about the Sandifords thing. So (guessing here) Based on the fact that there is no 2010 models yet, would this mean that possibly as and when there is one that Montesa have actually changed something on the bike (FINALLY!!)?? If not, why would they not just do what they normally do (put new stickers, plastics etc) on the 2009 bikes and sell the existing bits that are on the 2009 bikes: mudguards etc etc as spares?
  24. As per title really. Was riding on Sunday when I realised that I haven't seen or heard anything about a new 'use the word new loosely' Mont for 2010. Is there one? Have I missed some huge news? Or are they just late releasing it? Shouldn't be the latter, how can you be late when all need to do is decide 'what colour to paint a 5 year old bike'
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