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Everything posted by beatabeta
  1. So defensive!! Not an expert opinion, just common sense. Am guessing you have used the venue before? Even if you haven't surely a man of your experience knows that water will get dragged up and make the going super slippy...... In answer to 'Steve' think one of the main reasons that John Cowley, Richard Allen, Chris Koch etc dont ride is down to a couple of silly trials where people got excluded for not riding on the road... Might be wrong though, just what I heard!
  2. Who'd have thought water would carry up from the stream onto the banking eh?
  3. Personally I like it but if the expected
  4. Is the thinking on this that it may be the '09 Raga Rep??? Looks sweet!
  5. From memory I think NV do run 3 routes as they are pretty much one of the only clubs in the SM Centre with the balls to actually put challenging sections in front of riders. This trial is also an Expert Champs round so the hard route will be nice tough, from conversations the clubman/novice route is normally quite tough as well, however with regards to the easy route I dont know.... Try emailing Gill Isaacs she generally knows most things PS: Good venue too if they still have / use it all
  6. Bloody hell... So is that bad planning on the champs organisers part? or is this normal?? Wanted to try and do as many Novogars as possible this year but thats a bit silly in my eyes.... Basically unless you are willing to spend a weekend travelling the country you will only really be able to do one or the other! Yea, Lomax sounding favourable now. What are they like though as trials? One generally perveived as better than the other?
  7. Hi Am looking at entering these trials but see they are one day after another. Is this right? If so can you advise if they are venues that are nearby each other? Not sure if I can manage 2 days of trials back to back especially if there is loads of travel between them... What is the general view on these trials from those that are repeat entrants? Thanks
  8. Dabill had a 5 on one of the last sections, he had cleaned the hardest part and cocked up on the easier part of the section. Was not best pleased either! As Spud mentioned when scores that low 1 mistake ruins a day...
  9. Wrong May 2008 were 08 Raga Reps, May 2009 will be 09 Raga reps The 08 Raga is based on the 09 model TXT Pro but is an 08 model. Every Raga model since inception in 2003 has been a taster for the next years model with with the exclusion of the magnesium parts, keihin carb, and Ohlins shock (older models) etc The little gold plate on the bike will say '08 - XXX' the XXX being the production number as they are limited run models
  10. So long as you dont keep picking the bike up by the silencer you will have no problems at all.
  11. Does this mean that assuming I had the money (I dont) I could get a full licence and compete in the full WTC and theoretically finish 12th or 13th and be ranked among the top 15 riders on the planet?? SCARY!
  12. About time! why do we need to be different to the rest of Europe? Makes sense to me!
  13. YES! foot still on pegs, cant be classed as anything else really
  14. We were toying with the idea but the ferry costs are off putting, especially when you factor in - fuel to get to ferry, hotels, eating etc etc turns into a very expensive few days. Will now prob look at doing Andorra and Spain or Spain and France.
  15. And keep the old one to use when putting new ones in, saves you hitting new bearings with hammer etc etc.
  16. Stick with ATF Dexron III this is the best oil for your bike.
  17. Thanks to Jeroni Fajardo who weems to have answered one of my questions. Did you see his bike p*ssing fuel after his fall? Why o why do Beta's do this and more importantly why dont they fix it?
  18. Same here. 1 point lost so long as foot stays on floor and everyone marked the same
  19. I think the previous response answers the question. It is easier for observers which will hopefully help to attract new observers or help keep existing ones. This is best for everyone in the longrun As for taking ages in a section, I think this will be very very rare. If a rider is in a section for to long p*ssing about and not making an attempt, the other riders watching or in the queue or the observer will let the rider know what they think and move them along. Also using the 'stop' rule does not have to be about trick riding, anyone can stop, balance, check where they want to go and set off again - why should you be penalised for that?? Ultimately a rider riding no stop rules can just as easily spend ages in a section if they are stuck and dabbing/pushing their way through a section so should they get a 5? So long as a rider is making a valid attempt there should be no problems with the easier to run, better all round 'stop' rule being used. As I said before if a rider wants to ride a section non stop that should be entirely their choice, the same as it is if they want to stop, balance, check and go or if they feel the need to stop and trick ride. We lost several top UK riders in the British Championship for several years due to the stupid no stop ruling, as a result we probably lost the appeal to non riders wanting to go and watch Dougie and co in a BTC event. How many people have you spoken to and said 'I ride trials' to get the response 'Oh, like Dougie Lampkin?, I saw him on Eurosport' Now imagine if that person found out a BTC event was on local to them, free to spectate and Dougie was riding - I expect more often than not they would possibly go and watch and possibly be keen to take up our relatively cheap sport. Can the UK trials scene afford this again given the current economic situation? Just my two pence worth on my thoughts
  20. Looking good, gonna be a great year in BTC and WTC with Dibs and Pune against each other. He certainly looks more comfy flicking the Gasser round than he did on the heavyweight fatty Mont. Reckon a few more weeks of practice and he will be full used to the more 'skittish, not as planted' characteristics of the Gasser. A couple of times in the vid he put his foot down after doing something big where the Gasser reacts differently to the Mont. This looks like it could be the bike for Dibs!
  21. All depends where you ride as to how tight sections will be. You can still ride logs, hills etc etc and still trick ride!!!!!! However, I feel the rules are now correct. Why was we the only country riding under the old rules?? Stopping and Hopping is a part of modern trials riding and I cannot understand why people are complaining about it. You dont HAVE to stop and hop so if you dont want to - dont do it. If a all the sections are laid out too tight to ride without any hopping then I this would be a problem but in all honesty it shouldn't happen if a club knows how to lay out a trial for all riders. But to be fair I think most peopple an manage a little hop to get round a tight turn. If not you're gonna have to have a dab. It makes SOOOO much more sense to have these current rules as it clears the confusion for observers. i.e stop = 1 point, stop and foot down = ?? god knows...... So long as the rider is making an attempt a foot down should be 1 point. If they are just sitting there doing nothing then yes it should be a 5. Easy to follow for all. Just my opinion and I am not a great trick rider at all.
  22. Cheers for this. Is this the case?? If it registered most places should insure it?? Normally get standard response 'not got that listed' Ta
  23. Simple answer - ride them all and buy the one you like the most.... easy as that!
  24. 95 bike was an awesome bike and the last bike that Tarres won the WTC on. Even better if it is (as it looks) a Fortuna model, much softer power delivery, deeper exhaust note etc etc. Dunno about value for money, if you ride it and it's good, clean, powerful etc etc then go for it, but haggle - you dont get if you dont ask....
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